Source code for oemof.solph.processing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Modules for providing a convenient data structure for solph results.

Information about the possible usage is provided within the examples.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Cord Kaldemeyer
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Stephan Günther
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: henhuy
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Kochems
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt <>

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


import sys
from itertools import groupby

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import Entity
from pyomo.core.base.piecewise import IndexedPiecewise
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var

from .helpers import flatten

[docs]def get_tuple(x): """Get oemof tuple within iterable or create it Tuples from Pyomo are of type `(n, n, int)`, `(n, n)` and `(n, int)`. For single nodes `n` a tuple with one object `(n,)` is created. """ for i in x: if isinstance(i, tuple): return i elif issubclass(type(i), Entity): return (i,) # for standalone variables, x is used as identifying tuple if isinstance(x, tuple): return x
[docs]def get_timestep(x): """Get the timestep from oemof tuples The timestep from tuples `(n, n, int)`, `(n, n)`, `(n, int)` and (n,) is fetched as the last element. For time-independent data (scalars) zero ist returned. """ if all(issubclass(type(n), Entity) for n in x): return 0 else: return x[-1]
[docs]def remove_timestep(x): """Remove the timestep from oemof tuples The timestep is removed from tuples of type `(n, n, int)` and `(n, int)`. """ if all(issubclass(type(n), Entity) for n in x): return x else: return x[:-1]
[docs]def create_dataframe(om): """Create a result DataFrame with all optimization data Results from Pyomo are written into one common pandas.DataFrame where separate columns are created for the variable index e.g. for tuples of the flows and components or the timesteps. """ # get all pyomo variables including their block block_vars = list( set([bv.parent_component() for bv in om.component_data_objects(Var)]) ) var_dict = {} for bv in block_vars: # Drop the auxiliary variables introduced by pyomo's Piecewise parent_component = bv.parent_block().parent_component() if not isinstance(parent_component, IndexedPiecewise): try: idx_set = getattr(bv, "_index_set") except AttributeError: # To make it compatible with Pyomo < 6.4.1 idx_set = getattr(bv, "_index") for i in idx_set: key = (str(bv).split(".")[0], str(bv).split(".")[-1], i) value = bv[i].value var_dict[key] = value # use this to create a pandas dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(list(var_dict.items()), columns=["pyomo_tuple", "value"]) df["variable_name"] = df["pyomo_tuple"].str[1] # adapt the dataframe by separating tuple data into columns depending # on which dimension the variable/parameter has (scalar/sequence). # columns for the oemof tuple and timestep are created df["oemof_tuple"] = df["pyomo_tuple"].map(get_tuple) df = df[df["oemof_tuple"].map(lambda x: x is not None)] df["timestep"] = df["oemof_tuple"].map(get_timestep) df["oemof_tuple"] = df["oemof_tuple"].map(remove_timestep) # Use another call of remove timestep to get rid of period not needed df.loc[df["variable_name"] == "flow", "oemof_tuple"] = df.loc[ df["variable_name"] == "flow", "oemof_tuple" ].map(remove_timestep) # order the data by oemof tuple and timestep df = df.sort_values(["oemof_tuple", "timestep"], ascending=[True, True]) # drop empty decision variables df = df.dropna(subset=["value"]) return df
[docs]def divide_scalars_sequences(df_dict, k): """Split results into scalars and sequences results Parameters ---------- df_dict: dict dict of pd.DataFrames, keyed by oemof tuples k: tuple oemof tuple for results processing """ try: condition = df_dict[k][:-1].isnull().any() scalars = df_dict[k].loc[:, condition].dropna().iloc[0] sequences = df_dict[k].loc[:, ~condition] return {"scalars": scalars, "sequences": sequences} except IndexError: error_message = ( "Cannot access index on result data. " + "Did the optimization terminate" + " without errors?" ) raise IndexError(error_message)
[docs]def set_result_index(df_dict, k, result_index): """Define index for results Parameters ---------- df_dict: dict dict of pd.DataFrames, keyed by oemof tuples k: tuple oemof tuple for results processing result_index: pd.Index Index to use for results """ try: df_dict[k].index = result_index except ValueError: try: df_dict[k] = df_dict[k][:-1] df_dict[k].index = result_index except ValueError as e: msg = ( "\nFlow: {0}-{1}. This could be caused by NaN-values " "in your input data." ) raise type(e)( str(e) + msg.format(k[0].label, k[1].label) ).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs]def set_sequences_index(df, result_index): try: df.index = result_index except ValueError: try: df = df[:-1] df.index = result_index except ValueError: raise ValueError("Results extraction failed!")
[docs]def results(model, remove_last_time_point=False): """Create a nested result dictionary from the result DataFrame The already rearranged results from Pyomo from the result DataFrame are transferred into a nested dictionary of pandas objects. The first level key of that dictionary is a node (denoting the respective flow or component). The second level keys are "sequences" and "scalars" for a *standard model*: * A pd.DataFrame holds all results that are time-dependent, i.e. given as a sequence and can be indexed with the energy system's timeindex. * A pd.Series holds all scalar values which are applicable for timestep 0 (i.e. investments). For a *multi-period model*, the second level key for "sequences" remains the same while instead of "scalars", the key "period_scalars" is used: * For sequences, see standard model. * Instead of a pd.Series, a pd.DataFrame holds scalar values indexed by periods. These hold investment-related variables. Examples -------- * *Standard model*: `results[idx]['scalars']` and flows `results[n, n]['sequences']`. * *Multi-period model*: `results[idx]['period_scalars']` and flows `results[n, n]['sequences']`. Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.BaseModel A solved oemof.solph model. remove_last_time_point : bool The last time point of all TIMEPOINT variables is removed to get the same length as the TIMESTEP (interval) variables without getting nan-values. By default, the last time point is removed if it has not been defined by the user in the EnergySystem but inferred. If all time points have been defined explicitly by the user the last time point will not be removed by default. In that case all interval variables will get one row with nan-values to have the same index for all variables. """ # Extraction steps that are the same for both model types df = create_dataframe(model) # create a dict of dataframes keyed by oemof tuples df_dict = { k if len(k) > 1 else (k[0], None): v[["timestep", "variable_name", "value"]] for k, v in df.groupby("oemof_tuple") } # Define index if is None: result_index = list(range(len( + 1)) else: result_index = # create final result dictionary by splitting up the dataframes in the # dataframe dict into a series for scalar data and dataframe for sequences result = {} # Standard model results extraction if is None: result = _extract_standard_model_result( df_dict, result, result_index, remove_last_time_point ) scalars_col = "scalars" # Results extraction for a multi-period model else: period_indexed = ["invest", "total", "old", "old_end", "old_exo"] result = _extract_multi_period_model_result( model, df_dict, period_indexed, result, result_index, remove_last_time_point, ) scalars_col = "period_scalars" # add dual variables for bus constraints if model.dual is not None: grouped = groupby( sorted(model.BusBlock.balance.iterkeys()), lambda p: p[0] ) for bus, timeindex in grouped: duals = [ model.dual[model.BusBlock.balance[bus, p, t]] for _, p, t in timeindex ] if is None: df = pd.DataFrame({"duals": duals}, index=result_index[:-1]) # TODO: Align with standard model else: df = pd.DataFrame({"duals": duals}, index=result_index) if (bus, None) not in result.keys(): result[(bus, None)] = { "sequences": df, scalars_col: pd.Series(dtype=float), } else: result[(bus, None)]["sequences"]["duals"] = duals return result
def _extract_standard_model_result( df_dict, result, result_index, remove_last_time_point ): """Extract and return the results of a standard model * Optionally remove last time point or include it elsewise. * Set index to timeindex and pivot results such that values are displayed for the respective variables. Reindex with the energy system's timeindex. * Filter for columns with nan values to retrieve scalar variables. Split up the DataFrame into sequences and scalars and return it. Parameters ---------- df_dict : dict dictionary of results DataFrames result : dict dictionary to store the results result_index : pd.DatetimeIndex timeindex to use for the results (derived from EnergySystem) remove_last_time_point : bool if True, remove the last time point Returns ------- result : dict dictionary with results stored """ if remove_last_time_point: # The values of intervals belong to the time at the beginning of the # interval. for k in df_dict: df_dict[k].set_index("timestep", inplace=True) df_dict[k] = df_dict[k].pivot( columns="variable_name", values="value" ) set_result_index(df_dict, k, result_index[:-1]) result[k] = divide_scalars_sequences(df_dict, k) else: for k in df_dict: df_dict[k].set_index("timestep", inplace=True) df_dict[k] = df_dict[k].pivot( columns="variable_name", values="value" ) # Add empty row with nan at the end of the table by adding 1 to the # last value of the numeric index. df_dict[k].loc[df_dict[k].index[-1] + 1, :] = np.nan set_result_index(df_dict, k, result_index) result[k] = divide_scalars_sequences(df_dict, k) return result def _extract_multi_period_model_result( model, df_dict, period_indexed=None, result=None, result_index=None, remove_last_time_point=False, ): """Extract and return the results of a multi-period model Difference to standard model is in the way, scalar values are extracted since they now depend on periods. Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.models.Model The optimization model df_dict : dict dictionary of results DataFrames period_indexed : list list of variables that are indexed by periods result : dict dictionary to store the results result_index : pd.DatetimeIndex timeindex to use for the results (derived from EnergySystem) remove_last_time_point : bool if True, remove the last time point Returns ------- result : dict dictionary with results stored """ for k in df_dict: df_dict[k].set_index("timestep", inplace=True) df_dict[k] = df_dict[k].pivot(columns="variable_name", values="value") # Split data set period_cols = [ col for col in df_dict[k].columns if col in period_indexed ] # map periods to their start years for displaying period results d = { key: val +[0].min().year for key, val in enumerate( } period_scalars = df_dict[k].loc[:, period_cols].dropna() sequences = df_dict[k].loc[ :, [col for col in df_dict[k].columns if col not in period_cols] ] if remove_last_time_point: set_sequences_index(sequences, result_index[:-1]) else: set_sequences_index(sequences, result_index) if period_scalars.empty: period_scalars = pd.DataFrame(index=d.values()) try: period_scalars.rename(index=d, inplace=True) = "period" result[k] = { "period_scalars": period_scalars, "sequences": sequences, } except IndexError: error_message = ( "Some indices seem to be not matching.\n" "Cannot properly extract model results." ) raise IndexError(error_message) return result
[docs]def convert_keys_to_strings(result, keep_none_type=False): """ Convert the dictionary keys to strings. All (tuple) keys of the result object e.g. results[(pp1, bus1)] are converted into strings that represent the object labels e.g. results[('pp1','bus1')]. """ if keep_none_type: converted = { tuple([str(e) if e is not None else None for e in k]) if isinstance(k, tuple) else str(k) if k is not None else None: v for k, v in result.items() } else: converted = { tuple(map(str, k)) if isinstance(k, tuple) else str(k): v for k, v in result.items() } return converted
[docs]def meta_results(om, undefined=False): """ Fetch some metadata from the Solver. Feel free to add more keys. Valid keys of the resulting dictionary are: 'objective', 'problem', 'solver'. om : oemof.solph.Model A solved Model. undefined : bool By default (False) only defined keys can be found in the dictionary. Set to True to get also the undefined keys. Returns ------- dict """ meta_res = {"objective": om.objective()} for k1 in ["Problem", "Solver"]: k1 = k1.lower() meta_res[k1] = {} for k2, v2 in[k1][0].items(): try: if str([k1][0][k2]) == "<undefined>": if undefined: meta_res[k1][k2] = str([k1][0][k2]) else: meta_res[k1][k2] =[k1][0][k2] except TypeError: if undefined: msg = "Cannot fetch meta results of type {0}" meta_res[k1][k2] = msg.format( type([k1][0][k2]) ) return meta_res
def __separate_attrs( system, exclude_attrs, get_flows=False, exclude_none=True ): """ Create a dictionary with flow scalars and series. The dictionary is structured with flows as tuples and nested dictionaries holding the scalars and series e.g. {(node1, node2): {'scalars': {'attr1': scalar, 'attr2': 'text'}, 'sequences': {'attr1': iterable, 'attr2': iterable}}} system: A solved oemof.solph.Model or oemof.solph.Energysystem exclude_attrs: List[str] List of additional attributes which shall be excluded from parameter dict get_flows: bool Whether to include flow values or not exclude_none: bool If set, scalars and sequences containing None values are excluded Returns ------- dict """ def detect_scalars_and_sequences(com): com_data = {"scalars": {}, "sequences": {}} default_exclusions = [ "__", "_", "registry", "inputs", "outputs", "Label", "input", "output", "constraint_group", ] # Must be tuple in order to work with `str.startswith()`: exclusions = tuple(default_exclusions + exclude_attrs) attrs = [ i for i in dir(com) if not (i.startswith(exclusions) or callable(getattr(com, i))) ] for a in attrs: attr_value = getattr(com, a) # Iterate trough investment and add scalars and sequences with # "investment" prefix to component data: if attr_value.__class__.__name__ == "Investment": invest_data = detect_scalars_and_sequences(attr_value) com_data["scalars"].update( { "investment_" + str(k): v for k, v in invest_data["scalars"].items() } ) com_data["sequences"].update( { "investment_" + str(k): v for k, v in invest_data["sequences"].items() } ) continue if isinstance(attr_value, str): com_data["scalars"][a] = attr_value continue # If the label is a tuple it is iterable, therefore it should be # converted to a string. Otherwise, it will be a sequence. if a == "label": attr_value = str(attr_value) # check if attribute is iterable # see: # in-python-how-do-i-determine-if-an-object-is-iterable try: _ = (e for e in attr_value) com_data["sequences"][a] = attr_value except TypeError: com_data["scalars"][a] = attr_value com_data["sequences"] = flatten(com_data["sequences"]) move_undetected_scalars(com_data) if exclude_none: remove_nones(com_data) com_data = { "scalars": pd.Series(com_data["scalars"]), "sequences": pd.DataFrame(com_data["sequences"]), } return com_data def move_undetected_scalars(com): for ckey, value in list(com["sequences"].items()): if isinstance(value, str): com["scalars"][ckey] = value del com["sequences"][ckey] continue try: _ = (e for e in value) except TypeError: com["scalars"][ckey] = value del com["sequences"][ckey] else: try: if not value.default_changed: com["scalars"][ckey] = value.default del com["sequences"][ckey] except AttributeError: pass def remove_nones(com): for ckey, value in list(com["scalars"].items()): if value is None: del com["scalars"][ckey] for ckey, value in list(com["sequences"].items()): if len(value) == 0 or value[0] is None: del com["sequences"][ckey] # Check if system is es or om: if system.__class__.__name__ == "EnergySystem": components = system.flows() if get_flows else system.nodes else: components = system.flows if get_flows else data = {} for com_key in components: component = components[com_key] if get_flows else com_key component_data = detect_scalars_and_sequences(component) comkey = com_key if get_flows else (com_key, None) data[comkey] = component_data return data
[docs]def parameter_as_dict(system, exclude_none=True, exclude_attrs=None): """ Create a result dictionary containing node parameters. Results are written into a dictionary of pandas objects where a Series holds all scalar values and a dataframe all sequences for nodes and flows. The dictionary is keyed by flows (n, n) and nodes (n, None), e.g. `parameter[(n, n)]['sequences']` or `parameter[(n, n)]['scalars']`. Parameters ---------- system: energy_system.EnergySystem A populated energy system. exclude_none: bool If True, all scalars and sequences containing None values are excluded exclude_attrs: Optional[List[str]] Optional list of additional attributes which shall be excluded from parameter dict Returns ------- dict: Parameters for all nodes and flows """ if exclude_attrs is None: exclude_attrs = [] flow_data = __separate_attrs( system, exclude_attrs, get_flows=True, exclude_none=exclude_none ) node_data = __separate_attrs( system, exclude_attrs, get_flows=False, exclude_none=exclude_none ) flow_data.update(node_data) return flow_data