Installation and setup

Following you find guidelines for the installation process for different operation systems.


Having Python 3 installed

As oemof is designed as a Python package it is mandatory to have Python 3 installed. Python >= 3.5 is recommended. Lower versions may work but are not tested. It is highly recommended to use a virtual environment. See this tutorial for more help or see the sections below. If you already have a Python 3 environment you can install oemof using pip:

pip install oemof

To use pip you have to install the pypi package. Normally pypi is part of your virtual environment.

Using Linux repositories to install Python

Most Linux distributions will have Python 3 in their repository. Use the specific software management to install it. If you are using Ubuntu/Debian try executing the following code in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3

You can also download different versions of Python via

Using Virtualenv (community driven)

Skip the steps you have already done. Check your architecture first (32/64 bit).

  1. Install virtualenv using the package management of your Linux distribution, pip install or install it from source (see virtualenv documentation)

  2. Open terminal to create and activate a virtual environment by typing:

    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 your_env_name
    source your_env_name/bin/activate
  3. In terminal type: pip install oemof

  4. Install a Solver if you want to use solph and execute the solph examples (See Run the installation_test file ) to check if the installation of the solver and oemof was successful

Warning: If you have an older version of virtualenv you should update pip pip install --upgrade pip.

Using Anaconda

Skip the steps you have already done. Check your architecture first (32/64 bit).

  1. Download latest Anaconda (Linux) for Python 3.x (64 or 32 bit)

  2. Install Anaconda

  3. Open terminal to create and activate a virtual environment by typing:

    conda create -n yourenvname python=3.x
    source activate yourenvname
  4. In terminal type: pip install oemof

  5. Install a Solver if you want to use solph and execute the solph examples (See Run the installation_test file ) to check if the installation of the solver and oemof was successful


In order to use solph you need to install a solver. There are various commercial and open-source solvers that can be used with oemof.

There are two common OpenSource solvers available (CBC, GLPK), while oemof recommends CBC (Coin-or branch and cut). But sometimes its worth comparing the results of different solvers.

To install the solvers have a look at the package repository of your Linux distribution or search for precompiled packages. GLPK and CBC ares available at Debian, Feodora, Ubuntu and others.

Check the solver installation by executing the test_installation example (see Run the installation_test file ).

Other commercial solvers like Gurobi or Cplex can be used as well. Have a look at the pyomo documentation to learn about which solvers are supported.


If you are new to Python check out the YouTube tutorial on how to install oemof under Windows. It will guide you step by step through the installation process, starting with the installation of Python using WinPython, all the way to executing your first oemof example.

Having Python 3 installed

As oemof is designed as a Phyton-module it is mandatory to have Python 3 installed. Python >= 3.5 is recommended. Lower versions may work but are not tested. If you already have a working Python 3 environment you can install oemof by using pip. Run the following code in the command window of your python environment:

pip install oemof

If pip is not part of your python environment, you have to install the pypi package.

Using WinPython (community driven)

Skip the steps you have already done. Check your architecture first (32/64 bit)

  1. Download latest WinPython for Python 3.x (64 or 32 bit)
  2. Install WinPython
  3. Open the ‘WinPython Command Prompt’ and type: pip install oemof
  4. Install a Windows Solver if you want to use solph and execute the solph examples (See Run the installation_test file ) to check if the installation of the solver and oemof was successful

Using Anaconda

Skip the steps you have already done. Check your architecture first (32/64 bit)

  1. Download latest Anaconda for Python 3.x (64 or 32 bit)

  2. Install Anaconda

  3. Open ‘Anaconda Prompt’ to create and activate a virtual environment by typing:

    conda create -n yourenvname python=3.x
    activate yourenvname
  4. In ‘Anaconda Prompt’ type: pip install oemof

  5. Install a Windows Solver if you want to use solph and execute the solph examples (See Run the installation_test file ) to check if the installation of the solver and oemof was successful

Windows Solver

In order to use solph you need to install a solver. There are various commercial and open-source solvers that can be used with oemof.

You do not have to install both solvers. Oemof recommends the CBC (Coin-or branch and cut) solver. But sometimes its worth comparing the results of different solvers (e.g. GLPK).

  1. Downloaded CBC from here (64 or 32 bit)
  2. Download GLPK from here (64/32 bit)
  3. Unpacked CBC/GLPK to any folder (e.g. C:/Users/Somebody/my_programs)
  4. Add the path of the executable files of both solvers to the PATH variable using this tutorial
  5. Restart Windows

Check the solver installation by executing the test_installation example (see Run the installation_test file ).

Other commercial solvers like Gurobi or Cplex can be used as well. Have a look at the pyomo documentation to learn about which solvers are supported.


Installation guidelines for Mac OS are still incomplete and not tested. As we do not have Mac users we could not test the following approaches, but they should work. If you are a Mac user please help us to improve this installation guide. Have look at the installation guide of Linux or Windows to get an idea what to do.

You can download python here: For information on the installation process and on how to install python packages see here:



You have to install a solver if you want to use solph and execute the solph examples (See Run the installation_test file ) to check if the installation of the solver and oemof was successful.



Run the installation_test file

Test the installation and the installed solver:

To test the whether the installation was successful simply run


in your virtual environment. If the installation was successful, you will get:

Solver installed with oemof:
glpk: working
cplex: not working
cbc: working
gurobi: working
oemof successfully installed.

as an output.