Source code for oemof.solph.blocks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Creating sets, variables, constraints and parts of the objective function
for the specified groups.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Cord Kaldemeyer
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Birgit Schachler
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jnnr
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jmloenneberga

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


from pyomo.core import Binary
from pyomo.core import BuildAction
from pyomo.core import Constraint
from pyomo.core import Expression
from pyomo.core import NonNegativeIntegers
from pyomo.core import NonNegativeReals
from pyomo.core import Set
from pyomo.core import Var
from pyomo.core.base.block import SimpleBlock

[docs]class Flow(SimpleBlock): r""" Flow block with definitions for standard flows. **The following variables are created**: negative_gradient : Difference of a flow in consecutive timesteps if flow is reduced indexed by NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, TIMESTEPS. positive_gradient : Difference of a flow in consecutive timesteps if flow is increased indexed by NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, TIMESTEPS. **The following sets are created:** (-> see basic sets at :class:`.Model` ) SUMMED_MAX_FLOWS A set of flows with the attribute :attr:`summed_max` being not None. SUMMED_MIN_FLOWS A set of flows with the attribute :attr:`summed_min` being not None. NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS A set of flows with the attribute :attr:`negative_gradient` being not None. POSITIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS A set of flows with the attribute :attr:`positive_gradient` being not None INTEGER_FLOWS A set of flows where the attribute :attr:`integer` is True (forces flow to only take integer values) **The following constraints are build:** Flow max sum :attr:`om.Flow.summed_max[i, o]` .. math:: \sum_t flow(i, o, t) \cdot \tau \leq summed\_max(i, o) \cdot nominal\_value(i, o), \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{SUMMED\_MAX\_FLOWS}. Flow min sum :attr:`om.Flow.summed_min[i, o]` .. math:: \sum_t flow(i, o, t) \cdot \tau \geq summed\_min(i, o) \cdot nominal\_value(i, o), \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{SUMMED\_MIN\_FLOWS}. Negative gradient constraint :attr:`om.Flow.negative_gradient_constr[i, o]`: .. math:: flow(i, o, t-1) - flow(i, o, t) \geq \ negative\_gradient(i, o, t), \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{NEGATIVE\_GRADIENT\_FLOWS}, \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}. Positive gradient constraint :attr:`om.Flow.positive_gradient_constr[i, o]`: .. math:: flow(i, o, t) - flow(i, o, t-1) \geq \ positive\__gradient(i, o, t), \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{POSITIVE\_GRADIENT\_FLOWS}, \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}. **The following parts of the objective function are created:** If :attr:`variable_costs` are set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{(i,o)} \sum_t flow(i, o, t) \cdot variable\_costs(i, o, t) The expression can be accessed by :attr:`om.Flow.variable_costs` and their value after optimization by :meth:`om.Flow.variable_costs()` . """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): r""" Creates sets, variables and constraints for all standard flows. Parameters ---------- group : list List containing tuples containing flow (f) objects and the associated source (s) and target (t) of flow e.g. groups=[(s1, t1, f1), (s2, t2, f2),..] """ if group is None: return None m = self.parent_block() # ########################## SETS ################################# # set for all flows with an global limit on the flow over time self.SUMMED_MAX_FLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].summed_max is not None and g[2].nominal_value is not None]) self.SUMMED_MIN_FLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].summed_min is not None and g[2].nominal_value is not None]) self.NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].negative_gradient['ub'][0] is not None]) self.POSITIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].positive_gradient['ub'][0] is not None]) self.INTEGER_FLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].integer]) # ######################### Variables ################################ self.positive_gradient = Var(self.POSITIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS) self.negative_gradient = Var(self.NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS) self.integer_flow = Var(self.INTEGER_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeIntegers) # set upper bound of gradient variable for i, o, f in group: if m.flows[i, o].positive_gradient['ub'][0] is not None: for t in m.TIMESTEPS: self.positive_gradient[i, o, t].setub( f.positive_gradient['ub'][t] * f.nominal_value) if m.flows[i, o].negative_gradient['ub'][0] is not None: for t in m.TIMESTEPS: self.negative_gradient[i, o, t].setub( f.negative_gradient['ub'][t] * f.nominal_value) # ######################### CONSTRAINTS ############################### def _flow_summed_max_rule(model): """Rule definition for build action of max. sum flow constraint. """ for inp, out in self.SUMMED_MAX_FLOWS: lhs = sum(m.flow[inp, out, ts] * m.timeincrement[ts] for ts in m.TIMESTEPS) rhs = (m.flows[inp, out].summed_max * m.flows[inp, out].nominal_value) self.summed_max.add((inp, out), lhs <= rhs) self.summed_max = Constraint(self.SUMMED_MAX_FLOWS, noruleinit=True) self.summed_max_build = BuildAction(rule=_flow_summed_max_rule) def _flow_summed_min_rule(model): """Rule definition for build action of min. sum flow constraint. """ for inp, out in self.SUMMED_MIN_FLOWS: lhs = sum(m.flow[inp, out, ts] * m.timeincrement[ts] for ts in m.TIMESTEPS) rhs = (m.flows[inp, out].summed_min * m.flows[inp, out].nominal_value) self.summed_min.add((inp, out), lhs >= rhs) self.summed_min = Constraint(self.SUMMED_MIN_FLOWS, noruleinit=True) self.summed_min_build = BuildAction(rule=_flow_summed_min_rule) def _positive_gradient_flow_rule(model): """Rule definition for positive gradient constraint. """ for inp, out in self.POSITIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS: for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: if ts > 0: lhs = m.flow[inp, out, ts] - m.flow[inp, out, ts-1] rhs = self.positive_gradient[inp, out, ts] self.positive_gradient_constr.add((inp, out, ts), lhs <= rhs) else: pass # return(Constraint.Skip) self.positive_gradient_constr = Constraint( self.POSITIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True) self.positive_gradient_build = BuildAction( rule=_positive_gradient_flow_rule) def _negative_gradient_flow_rule(model): """Rule definition for negative gradient constraint. """ for inp, out in self.NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS: for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: if ts > 0: lhs = m.flow[inp, out, ts-1] - m.flow[inp, out, ts] rhs = self.negative_gradient[inp, out, ts] self.negative_gradient_constr.add((inp, out, ts), lhs <= rhs) else: pass # return(Constraint.Skip) self.negative_gradient_constr = Constraint( self.NEGATIVE_GRADIENT_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True) self.negative_gradient_build = BuildAction( rule=_negative_gradient_flow_rule) def _integer_flow_rule(block, ii, oi, ti): """Force flow variable to NonNegativeInteger values. """ return self.integer_flow[ii, oi, ti] == m.flow[ii, oi, ti] self.integer_flow_constr = Constraint(self.INTEGER_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_integer_flow_rule) def _objective_expression(self): r""" Objective expression for all standard flows with fixed costs and variable costs. """ m = self.parent_block() variable_costs = 0 gradient_costs = 0 for i, o in m.FLOWS: if m.flows[i, o].variable_costs[0] is not None: for t in m.TIMESTEPS: variable_costs += (m.flow[i, o, t] * m.objective_weighting[t] * m.flows[i, o].variable_costs[t]) if m.flows[i, o].positive_gradient['ub'][0] is not None: for t in m.TIMESTEPS: gradient_costs += (self.positive_gradient[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].positive_gradient[ 'costs']) if m.flows[i, o].negative_gradient['ub'][0] is not None: for t in m.TIMESTEPS: gradient_costs += (self.negative_gradient[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].negative_gradient[ 'costs']) return variable_costs + gradient_costs
[docs]class InvestmentFlow(SimpleBlock): r"""Block for all flows with :attr:`Investment` being not None. See :class:`oemof.solph.options.Investment` for all parameters of the *Investment* class. See :class:`` for all parameters of the *Flow* class. **Variables** All *InvestmentFlow* are indexed by a starting and ending node :math:`(i, o)`, which is omitted in the following for the sake of convenience. The following variables are created: * :math:`P(t)` Actual flow value (created in :class:`oemof.solph.models.BaseModel`). * :math:`P_{invest}` Value of the investment variable, i.e. equivalent to the nominal value of the flows after optimization. * :math:`b_{invest}` Binary variable for the status of the investment, if :attr:`nonconvex` is `True`. **Constraints** Depending on the attributes of the *InvestmentFlow* and *Flow*, different constraints are created. The following constraint is created for all *InvestmentFlow*:\ Upper bound for the flow value .. math:: P(t) \le ( P_{invest} + P_{exist} ) \cdot f_{max}(t) Depeding on the attribute :attr:`nonconvex`, the constraints for the bounds of the decision variable :math:`P_{invest}` are different:\ * :attr:`nonconvex = False` .. math:: P_{invest, min} \le P_{invest} \le P_{invest, max} * :attr:`nonconvex = True` .. math:: & P_{invest, min} \cdot b_{invest} \le P_{invest}\\ & P_{invest} \le P_{invest, max} \cdot b_{invest}\\ For all *InvestmentFlow* (independent of the attribute :attr:`nonconvex`), the following additional constraints are created, if the appropriate attribute of the *Flow* (see :class:``) is set: * :attr:`fix` is not None Actual value constraint for investments with fixed flow values .. math:: P(t) = ( P_{invest} + P_{exist} ) \cdot f_{fix}(t) * :attr:`min != 0` Lower bound for the flow values .. math:: P(t) \geq ( P_{invest} + P_{exist} ) \cdot f_{min}(t) * :attr:`summed_max is not None` Upper bound for the sum of all flow values (e.g. maximum full load hours) .. math:: \sum_t P(t) \cdot \tau(t) \leq ( P_{invest} + P_{exist} ) \cdot f_{sum, min} * :attr:`summed_min is not None` Lower bound for the sum of all flow values (e.g. minimum full load hours) .. math:: \sum_t P(t) \cdot \tau(t) \geq ( P_{invest} + P_{exist} ) \cdot f_{sum, min} **Objective function** The part of the objective function added by the *InvestmentFlow* also depends on whether a convex or nonconvex *InvestmentFlow* is selected. The following parts of the objective function are created: * :attr:`nonconvex = False` .. math:: P_{invest} \cdot c_{invest,var} * :attr:`nonconvex = True` .. math:: P_{invest} \cdot c_{invest,var} + c_{invest,fix} \cdot b_{invest}\\ The total value of all costs of all *InvestmentFlow* can be retrieved calling :meth:`om.InvestmentFlow.investment_costs.expr()`. .. csv-table:: List of Variables (in csv table syntax) :header: "symbol", "attribute", "explanation" :widths: 1, 1, 1 ":math:`P(t)`", ":py:obj:`flow[n, o, t]`", "Actual flow value" ":math:`P_{invest}`", ":py:obj:`invest[i, o]`", "Invested flow capacity" ":math:`b_{invest}`", ":py:obj:`invest_status[i, o]`", "Binary status of investment" List of Variables (in rst table syntax): =================== ============================= ========= symbol attribute explanation =================== ============================= ========= :math:`P(t)` :py:obj:`flow[n, o, t]` Actual flow value :math:`P_{invest}` :py:obj:`invest[i, o]` Invested flow capacity :math:`b_{invest}` :py:obj:`invest_status[i, o]` Binary status of investment =================== ============================= ========= Grid table style: +--------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | symbol | attribute | explanation | +====================+===============================+=============================+ | :math:`P(t)` | :py:obj:`flow[n, o, t]` | Actual flow value | +--------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :math:`P_{invest}` | :py:obj:`invest[i, o]` | Invested flow capacity | +--------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | :math:`b_{invest}` | :py:obj:`invest_status[i, o]` | Binary status of investment | +--------------------+-------------------------------+-----------------------------+ .. csv-table:: List of Parameters :header: "symbol", "attribute", "explanation" :widths: 1, 1, 1 ":math:`P_{exist}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].investment.existing`", " Existing flow capacity" ":math:`P_{invest,min}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].investment.minimum`", " Minimum investment capacity" ":math:`P_{invest,max}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].investment.maximum`", " Maximum investment capacity" ":math:`c_{invest,var}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].investment.ep_costs` ", "Variable investment costs" ":math:`c_{invest,fix}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].investment.offset`", " Fix investment costs" ":math:`f_{actual}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].fix[t]`", "Normed fixed value for the flow variable" ":math:`f_{max}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].max[t]`", "Normed maximum value of the flow" ":math:`f_{min}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].min[t]`", "Normed minimum value of the flow" ":math:`f_{sum,max}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].summed_max`", "Specific maximum of summed flow values (per installed capacity)" ":math:`f_{sum,min}`", ":py:obj:`flows[i, o].summed_min`", "Specific minimum of summed flow values (per installed capacity)" ":math:`\tau(t)`", ":py:obj:`timeincrement[t]`", "Time step width for each time step" Note ---- In case of a nonconvex investment flow (:attr:`nonconvex=True`), the existing flow capacity :math:`P_{exist}` needs to be zero. At least, it is not tested yet, whether this works out, or makes any sense at all. Note ---- See also :class:``, :class:`oemof.solph.blocks.Flow` and :class:`oemof.solph.options.Investment` """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): r"""Creates sets, variables and constraints for Flow with investment attribute of type class:`.Investment`. Parameters ---------- group : list List containing tuples containing flow (f) objects that have an attribute investment and the associated source (s) and target (t) of flow e.g. groups=[(s1, t1, f1), (s2, t2, f2),..] """ if group is None: return None m = self.parent_block() # ######################### SETS ##################################### self.INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group]) self.CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].investment.nonconvex is False]) self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].investment.nonconvex is True]) self.FIXED_INVESTFLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].fix[0] is not None]) self.NON_FIXED_INVESTFLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].fix[0] is None]) self.SUMMED_MAX_INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].summed_max is not None]) self.SUMMED_MIN_INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].summed_min is not None]) self.MIN_INVESTFLOWS = Set(initialize=[ (g[0], g[1]) for g in group if ( g[2].min[0] != 0 or len(g[2].min) > 1)]) # ######################### VARIABLES ################################# def _investvar_bound_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for bounds of invest variable. """ if (i, o) in self.CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS: return (m.flows[i, o].investment.minimum, m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum) elif (i, o) in self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS: return 0, m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum # create invest variable for a investment flow self.invest = Var(self.INVESTFLOWS, within=NonNegativeReals, bounds=_investvar_bound_rule) # create status variable for a non-convex investment flow self.invest_status = Var(self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS, within=Binary) # ######################### CONSTRAINTS ############################### def _min_invest_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for applying a minimum investment """ expr = (m.flows[i, o].investment.minimum * self.invest_status[i, o] <= self.invest[i, o]) return expr self.minimum_rule = Constraint( self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS, rule=_min_invest_rule) def _max_invest_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for applying a minimum investment """ expr = self.invest[i, o] <= ( m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum * self.invest_status[i, o]) return expr self.maximum_rule = Constraint( self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS, rule=_max_invest_rule) def _investflow_fixed_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition of constraint to fix flow variable of investment flow to (normed) actual value """ expr = (m.flow[i, o, t] == ( (m.flows[i, o].investment.existing + self.invest[i, o]) * m.flows[i, o].fix[t])) return expr self.fixed = Constraint(self.FIXED_INVESTFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_investflow_fixed_rule) def _max_investflow_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition of constraint setting an upper bound of flow variable in investment case. """ expr = (m.flow[i, o, t] <= ( (m.flows[i, o].investment.existing + self.invest[i, o]) * m.flows[i, o].max[t])) return expr self.max = Constraint(self.NON_FIXED_INVESTFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_max_investflow_rule) def _min_investflow_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition of constraint setting a lower bound on flow variable in investment case. """ expr = (m.flow[i, o, t] >= ( (m.flows[i, o].investment.existing + self.invest[i, o]) * m.flows[i, o].min[t])) return expr self.min = Constraint(self.MIN_INVESTFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_min_investflow_rule) def _summed_max_investflow_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for build action of max. sum flow constraint in investment case. """ expr = (sum(m.flow[i, o, t] * m.timeincrement[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) <= m.flows[i, o].summed_max * ( self.invest[i, o] + m.flows[i, o].investment.existing)) return expr self.summed_max = Constraint(self.SUMMED_MAX_INVESTFLOWS, rule=_summed_max_investflow_rule) def _summed_min_investflow_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for build action of min. sum flow constraint in investment case. """ expr = (sum(m.flow[i, o, t] * m.timeincrement[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) >= ((m.flows[i, o].investment.existing + self.invest[i, o]) * m.flows[i, o].summed_min)) return expr self.summed_min = Constraint(self.SUMMED_MIN_INVESTFLOWS, rule=_summed_min_investflow_rule) def _objective_expression(self): r""" Objective expression for flows with investment attribute of type class:`.Investment`. The returned costs are fixed, variable and investment costs. """ if not hasattr(self, 'INVESTFLOWS'): return 0 m = self.parent_block() investment_costs = 0 for i, o in self.CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS: investment_costs += ( self.invest[i, o] * m.flows[i, o].investment.ep_costs) for i, o in self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTFLOWS: investment_costs += ( self.invest[i, o] * m.flows[i, o].investment.ep_costs + self.invest_status[i, o] * m.flows[i, o].investment.offset) self.investment_costs = Expression(expr=investment_costs) return investment_costs
[docs]class Bus(SimpleBlock): r"""Block for all balanced buses. **The following constraints are build:** Bus balance :attr:`om.Bus.balance[i, o, t]` .. math:: \sum_{i \in INPUTS(n)} flow(i, n, t) = \sum_{o \in OUTPUTS(n)} flow(n, o, t), \\ \forall n \in \textrm{BUSES}, \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """Creates the balance constraints for the class:`Bus` block. Parameters ---------- group : list List of oemof bus (b) object for which the bus balance is created e.g. group = [b1, b2, b3, .....] """ if group is None: return None m = self.parent_block() ins = {} outs = {} for n in group: ins[n] = [i for i in n.inputs] outs[n] = [o for o in n.outputs] def _busbalance_rule(block): for t in m.TIMESTEPS: for g in group: lhs = sum(m.flow[i, g, t] for i in ins[g]) rhs = sum(m.flow[g, o, t] for o in outs[g]) expr = (lhs == rhs) # no inflows no outflows yield: 0 == 0 which is True if expr is not True: block.balance.add((g, t), expr) self.balance = Constraint(group, m.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True) self.balance_build = BuildAction(rule=_busbalance_rule)
[docs]class Transformer(SimpleBlock): r"""Block for the linear relation of nodes with type :class:`` **The following sets are created:** (-> see basic sets at :class:`.Model` ) TRANSFORMERS A set with all :class:`` objects. **The following constraints are created:** Linear relation :attr:`om.Transformer.relation[i,o,t]` .. math:: flow(i, n, t) / conversion\_factor(n, i, t) = \ flow(n, o, t) / conversion\_factor(n, o, t), \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}, \\ \forall n \in \textrm{TRANSFORMERS}, \\ \forall i \in \textrm{INPUTS(n)}, \\ \forall o \in \textrm{OUTPUTS(n)}. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """ Creates the linear constraint for the class:`Transformer` block. Parameters ---------- group : list List of oemof.solph.Transformers objects for which the linear relation of inputs and outputs is created e.g. group = [trsf1, trsf2, trsf3, ...]. Note that the relation is created for all existing relations of all inputs and all outputs of the transformer. The components inside the list need to hold an attribute `conversion_factors` of type dict containing the conversion factors for all inputs to outputs. """ if group is None: return None m = self.parent_block() in_flows = {n: [i for i in n.inputs.keys()] for n in group} out_flows = {n: [o for o in n.outputs.keys()] for n in group} self.relation = Constraint( [(n, i, o, t) for t in m.TIMESTEPS for n in group for o in out_flows[n] for i in in_flows[n]], noruleinit=True) def _input_output_relation(block): for t in m.TIMESTEPS: for n in group: for o in out_flows[n]: for i in in_flows[n]: try: lhs = (m.flow[i, n, t] / n.conversion_factors[i][t]) rhs = (m.flow[n, o, t] / n.conversion_factors[o][t]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Error in constraint creation", "source: {0}, target: {1}".format( n.label, o.label)) block.relation.add((n, i, o, t), (lhs == rhs)) self.relation_build = BuildAction(rule=_input_output_relation)
[docs]class NonConvexFlow(SimpleBlock): r""" **The following sets are created:** (-> see basic sets at :class:`.Model` ) A set of flows with the attribute :attr:`nonconvex` of type :class:`.options.NonConvex`. MIN_FLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`min` being not None in the first timestep. ACTIVITYCOSTFLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`activity_costs` being not None. STARTUPFLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`maximum_startups` or :attr:`startup_costs` being not None. MAXSTARTUPFLOWS A subset of set STARTUPFLOWS with the attribute :attr:`maximum_startups` being not None. SHUTDOWNFLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`maximum_shutdowns` or :attr:`shutdown_costs` being not None. MAXSHUTDOWNFLOWS A subset of set SHUTDOWNFLOWS with the attribute :attr:`maximum_shutdowns` being not None. MINUPTIMEFLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`minimum_uptime` being not None. MINDOWNTIMEFLOWS A subset of set NONCONVEX_FLOWS with the attribute :attr:`minimum_downtime` being not None. **The following variables are created:** Status variable (binary) :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.status`: Variable indicating if flow is >= 0 indexed by FLOWS Startup variable (binary) :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.startup`: Variable indicating startup of flow (component) indexed by STARTUPFLOWS Shutdown variable (binary) :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.shutdown`: Variable indicating shutdown of flow (component) indexed by SHUTDOWNFLOWS **The following constraints are created**: Minimum flow constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.min[i,o,t]` .. math:: flow(i, o, t) \geq min(i, o, t) \cdot nominal\_value \ \cdot status(i, o, t), \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}, \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{NONCONVEX\_FLOWS}. Maximum flow constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.max[i,o,t]` .. math:: flow(i, o, t) \leq max(i, o, t) \cdot nominal\_value \ \cdot status(i, o, t), \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}, \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{NONCONVEX\_FLOWS}. Startup constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.startup_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: startup(i, o, t) \geq \ status(i,o,t) - status(i, o, t-1) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}, \\ \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{STARTUPFLOWS}. Maximum startups constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.max_startup_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: \sum_{t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}} startup(i, o, t) \leq \ N_{start}(i,o) \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MAXSTARTUPFLOWS}. Shutdown constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.shutdown_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: shutdown(i, o, t) \geq \ status(i, o, t-1) - status(i, o, t) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}, \\ \forall (i, o) \in \textrm{SHUTDOWNFLOWS}. Maximum shutdowns constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.max_startup_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: \sum_{t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS}} startup(i, o, t) \leq \ N_{shutdown}(i,o) \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MAXSHUTDOWNFLOWS}. Minimum uptime constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.uptime_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: (status(i, o, t)-status(i, o, t-1)) \cdot minimum\_uptime(i, o) \\ \leq \sum_{n=0}^{minimum\_uptime-1} status(i,o,t+n) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS} | \\ t \neq \{0..minimum\_uptime\} \cup \ \{t\_max-minimum\_uptime..t\_max\} , \\ \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MINUPTIMEFLOWS}. \\ \\ status(i, o, t) = initial\_status(i, o) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS} | \\ t = \{0..minimum\_uptime\} \cup \ \{t\_max-minimum\_uptime..t\_max\} , \\ \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MINUPTIMEFLOWS}. Minimum downtime constraint :attr:`om.NonConvexFlow.downtime_constr[i,o,t]` .. math:: (status(i, o, t-1)-status(i, o, t)) \ \cdot minimum\_downtime(i, o) \\ \leq minimum\_downtime(i, o) \ - \sum_{n=0}^{minimum\_downtime-1} status(i,o,t+n) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS} | \\ t \neq \{0..minimum\_downtime\} \cup \ \{t\_max-minimum\_downtime..t\_max\} , \\ \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MINDOWNTIMEFLOWS}. \\ \\ status(i, o, t) = initial\_status(i, o) \\ \forall t \in \textrm{TIMESTEPS} | \\ t = \{0..minimum\_downtime\} \cup \ \{t\_max-minimum\_downtime..t\_max\} , \\ \forall (i,o) \in \textrm{MINDOWNTIMEFLOWS}. **The following parts of the objective function are created:** If :attr:`nonconvex.startup_costs` is set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{i, o \in STARTUPFLOWS} \sum_t startup(i, o, t) \ \cdot startup\_costs(i, o) If :attr:`nonconvex.shutdown_costs` is set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{i, o \in SHUTDOWNFLOWS} \sum_t shutdown(i, o, t) \ \cdot shutdown\_costs(i, o) If :attr:`nonconvex.activity_costs` is set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{i, o \in ACTIVITYCOSTFLOWS} \sum_t status(i, o, t) \ \cdot activity\_costs(i, o) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """ Creates set, variables, constraints for all flow object with an attribute flow of type class:`.NonConvexFlow`. Parameters ---------- group : list List of oemof.solph.NonConvexFlow objects for which the constraints are build. """ if group is None: return None m = self.parent_block() # ########################## SETS ##################################### self.NONCONVEX_FLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group]) self.MIN_FLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].min[0] is not None]) self.STARTUPFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.startup_costs[0] is not None or g[2].nonconvex.maximum_startups is not None]) self.MAXSTARTUPFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.maximum_startups is not None]) self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.shutdown_costs[0] is not None or g[2].nonconvex.maximum_shutdowns is not None]) self.MAXSHUTDOWNFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.maximum_shutdowns is not None]) self.MINUPTIMEFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.minimum_uptime is not None]) self.MINDOWNTIMEFLOWS = Set(initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.minimum_downtime is not None]) self.ACTIVITYCOSTFLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group if g[2].nonconvex.activity_costs[0] is not None]) # ################### VARIABLES AND CONSTRAINTS ####################### self.status = Var(self.NONCONVEX_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary) if self.STARTUPFLOWS: self.startup = Var(self.STARTUPFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary) if self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS: self.shutdown = Var(self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary) def _minimum_flow_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for MILP minimum flow constraints. """ expr = (self.status[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].min[t] * m.flows[i, o].nominal_value <= m.flow[i, o, t]) return expr self.min = Constraint(self.MIN_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_minimum_flow_rule) def _maximum_flow_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for MILP maximum flow constraints. """ expr = (self.status[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].max[t] * m.flows[i, o].nominal_value >= m.flow[i, o, t]) return expr self.max = Constraint(self.MIN_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_maximum_flow_rule) def _startup_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for startup constraint of nonconvex flows. """ if t > m.TIMESTEPS[1]: expr = (self.startup[i, o, t] >= self.status[i, o, t] - self.status[i, o, t-1]) else: expr = (self.startup[i, o, t] >= self.status[i, o, t] - m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.initial_status) return expr self.startup_constr = Constraint(self.STARTUPFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_startup_rule) def _max_startup_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for maximum number of start-ups. """ lhs = sum(self.startup[i, o, t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) return lhs <= m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.maximum_startups self.max_startup_constr = Constraint(self.MAXSTARTUPFLOWS, rule=_max_startup_rule) def _shutdown_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for shutdown constraints of nonconvex flows. """ if t > m.TIMESTEPS[1]: expr = (self.shutdown[i, o, t] >= self.status[i, o, t-1] - self.status[i, o, t]) else: expr = (self.shutdown[i, o, t] >= m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.initial_status - self.status[i, o, t]) return expr self.shutdown_constr = Constraint(self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_shutdown_rule) def _max_shutdown_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for maximum number of start-ups. """ lhs = sum(self.shutdown[i, o, t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) return lhs <= m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.maximum_shutdowns self.max_shutdown_constr = Constraint(self.MAXSHUTDOWNFLOWS, rule=_max_shutdown_rule) def _min_uptime_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for min-uptime constraints of nonconvex flows. """ if m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.max_up_down <= t\ <= m.TIMESTEPS[-1]-m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.max_up_down: expr = 0 expr += ((self.status[i, o, t]-self.status[i, o, t-1]) * m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.minimum_uptime) expr += -sum(self.status[i, o, t+u] for u in range(0, m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.minimum_uptime)) return expr <= 0 else: expr = 0 expr += self.status[i, o, t] expr += -m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.initial_status return expr == 0 self.min_uptime_constr = Constraint( self.MINUPTIMEFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_min_uptime_rule) def _min_downtime_rule(block, i, o, t): """Rule definition for min-downtime constraints of nonconvex flows. """ if m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.max_up_down <= t\ <= m.TIMESTEPS[-1]-m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.max_up_down: expr = 0 expr += ((self.status[i, o, t-1]-self.status[i, o, t]) * m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.minimum_downtime) expr += - m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.minimum_downtime expr += sum(self.status[i, o, t+d] for d in range(0, m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.minimum_downtime)) return expr <= 0 else: expr = 0 expr += self.status[i, o, t] expr += -m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.initial_status return expr == 0 self.min_downtime_constr = Constraint( self.MINDOWNTIMEFLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_min_downtime_rule) # TODO: Add gradient constraints for nonconvex block / flows def _objective_expression(self): r"""Objective expression for nonconvex flows. """ if not hasattr(self, 'NONCONVEX_FLOWS'): return 0 m = self.parent_block() startup_costs = 0 shutdown_costs = 0 activity_costs = 0 if self.STARTUPFLOWS: for i, o in self.STARTUPFLOWS: if m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.startup_costs[0] is not None: startup_costs += sum( self.startup[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.startup_costs[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) self.startup_costs = Expression(expr=startup_costs) if self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS: for i, o in self.SHUTDOWNFLOWS: if m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.shutdown_costs[0] is not None: shutdown_costs += sum( self.shutdown[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.shutdown_costs[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) self.shutdown_costs = Expression(expr=shutdown_costs) if self.ACTIVITYCOSTFLOWS: for i, o in self.ACTIVITYCOSTFLOWS: if m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.activity_costs[0] is not None: activity_costs += sum( self.status[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].nonconvex.activity_costs[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS) self.activity_costs = Expression(expr=activity_costs) return startup_costs + shutdown_costs + activity_costs