Source code for oemof.solph.constraints

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Additional constraints to be used in an oemof energy model.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Röder

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


import pyomo.environ as po
from import sequence

[docs]def investment_limit(model, limit=None): r""" Set an absolute limit for the total investment costs of an investment optimization problem: .. math:: \sum_{investment\_costs} \leq limit Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which the constraint is added limit : float Absolute limit of the investment (i.e. RHS of constraint) """ def investment_rule(m): expr = 0 if hasattr(m, "InvestmentFlow"): expr += m.InvestmentFlow.investment_costs if hasattr(m, "GenericInvestmentStorageBlock"): expr += m.GenericInvestmentStorageBlock.investment_costs return expr <= limit model.investment_limit = po.Constraint(rule=investment_rule) return model
[docs]def additional_investment_flow_limit(model, keyword, limit=None): r""" Global limit for investment flows weighted by an attribute keyword. This constraint is only valid for Flows not for components such as an investment storage. The attribute named by keyword has to be added to every Investment attribute of the flow you want to take into account. Total value of keyword attributes after optimization can be retrieved calling the :attr:`oemof.solph.Model.invest_limit_${keyword}()`. Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which constraints are added. keyword : attribute to consider All flows with Investment attribute containing the keyword will be used. limit : numeric Global limit of keyword attribute for the energy system. Constraint ---------- .. math:: \sum_{i \in IF} P_i \cdot w_i \leq limit With `IF` being the set of InvestmentFlows considered for the integral limit. The symbols used are defined as follows (with Variables (V) and Parameters (P)): +---------------+---------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | symbol | attribute | type | explanation | +===============+=======================================+======+==============================================================+ | :math:`P_{i}` | :py:obj:`InvestmentFlow.invest[i, o]` | V | installed capacity of investment flow | +---------------+---------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | :math:`w_i` | :py:obj:`keyword` | P | weight given to investment flow named according to `keyword` | +---------------+---------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | :math:`limit` | :py:obj:`limit` | P | global limit given by keyword `limit` | +---------------+---------------------------------------+------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ Note ---- The Investment attribute of the considered (Investment-)flows requires an attribute named like keyword! Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2020', periods=5, freq='H') >>> es = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index) >>> bus = solph.Bus(label='bus_1') >>> sink = solph.Sink(label="sink", inputs={bus: ... solph.Flow(nominal_value=10, fix=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50])}) >>> src1 = solph.Source(label='source_0', outputs={bus: solph.Flow( ... investment=solph.Investment(ep_costs=50, space=4))}) >>> src2 = solph.Source(label='source_1', outputs={bus: solph.Flow( ... investment=solph.Investment(ep_costs=100, space=1))}) >>> es.add(bus, sink, src1, src2) >>> model = solph.Model(es) >>> model = solph.constraints.additional_investment_flow_limit( ... model, "space", limit=1500) >>> a = model.solve(solver="cbc") >>> int(round(model.invest_limit_space())) 1500 """ # noqa: E501 invest_flows = {} for (i, o) in model.flows: if hasattr(model.flows[i, o].investment, keyword): invest_flows[(i, o)] = model.flows[i, o].investment limit_name = "invest_limit_" + keyword setattr(model, limit_name, po.Expression( expr=sum(model.InvestmentFlow.invest[inflow, outflow] * getattr(invest_flows[inflow, outflow], keyword) for (inflow, outflow) in invest_flows ))) setattr(model, limit_name + "_constraint", po.Constraint( expr=(getattr(model, limit_name) <= limit))) return model
[docs]def emission_limit(om, flows=None, limit=None): r""" Short handle for generic_integral_limit() with keyword="emission_factor". Note ---- Flow objects required an attribute "emission_factor"! """ generic_integral_limit(om, keyword='emission_factor', flows=flows, limit=limit)
[docs]def generic_integral_limit(om, keyword, flows=None, limit=None): r"""Set a global limit for flows weighted by attribute called keyword. The attribute named by keyword has to be added to every flow you want to take into account. Total value of keyword attributes after optimization can be retrieved calling the :attr:`om.oemof.solph.Model.integral_limit_${keyword}()`. Parameters ---------- om : oemof.solph.Model Model to which constraints are added. flows : dict Dictionary holding the flows that should be considered in constraint. Keys are (source, target) objects of the Flow. If no dictionary is given all flows containing the keyword attribute will be used. keyword : attribute to consider limit : numeric Absolute limit of keyword attribute for the energy system. Note ---- Flow objects required an attribute named like keyword! **Constraint:** .. math:: \sum_{i \in F_E} \sum_{t \in T} P_i(t) \cdot w_i(t) \cdot \tau(t) \leq M With `F_I` being the set of flows considered for the integral limit and `T` being the set of time steps. The symbols used are defined as follows (with Variables (V) and Parameters (P)): ================ ==== ===================================================== math. symbol type explanation ================ ==== ===================================================== :math:`P_n(t)` V power flow :math:`n` at time step :math:`t` :math:`w_N(t)` P weight given to Flow named according to `keyword` :math:`\tau(t)` P width of time step :math:`t` :math:`L` P global limit given by keyword `limit` ================ ==== ===================================================== Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=5, freq='H') >>> energysystem = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index) >>> bel = solph.Bus(label='electricityBus') >>> flow1 = solph.Flow(nominal_value=100, my_factor=0.8) >>> flow2 = solph.Flow(nominal_value=50) >>> src1 = solph.Source(label='source1', outputs={bel: flow1}) >>> src2 = solph.Source(label='source2', outputs={bel: flow2}) >>> energysystem.add(bel, src1, src2) >>> model = solph.Model(energysystem) >>> flow_with_keyword = {(src1, bel): flow1, } >>> model = solph.constraints.generic_integral_limit( ... model, "my_factor", flow_with_keyword, limit=777) """ if flows is None: flows = {} for (i, o) in om.flows: if hasattr(om.flows[i, o], keyword): flows[(i, o)] = om.flows[i, o] else: for (i, o) in flows: if not hasattr(flows[i, o], keyword): raise AttributeError( ('Flow with source: {0} and target: {1} ' 'has no attribute {2}.').format( i.label, o.label, keyword)) limit_name = "integral_limit_"+keyword setattr(om, limit_name, po.Expression( expr=sum(om.flow[inflow, outflow, t] * om.timeincrement[t] * sequence(getattr(flows[inflow, outflow], keyword))[t] for (inflow, outflow) in flows for t in om.TIMESTEPS))) setattr(om, limit_name+"_constraint", po.Constraint( expr=(getattr(om, limit_name) <= limit))) return om
[docs]def limit_active_flow_count(model, constraint_name, flows, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None): r""" Set limits (lower and/or upper) for the number of concurrently active NonConvex flows. The flows are given as a list. Total actual counts after optimization can be retrieved calling the :attr:`om.oemof.solph.Model.$(constraint_name)_count()`. Parameters ---------- model: oemof.solph.Model Model to which constraints are added constraint_name: string name for the constraint flows: list of flows flows (have to be NonConvex) in the format [(in, out)] lower_limit: integer minimum number of active flows in the list upper_limit: integer maximum number of active flows in the list Returns ------- the updated model Note ---- Flow objects required to be NonConvex **Constraint:** .. math:: N_{X,min} \le \sum_{n \in F} X_n(t) \le N_{X,max} \forall t \in T With `F` being the set of considered flows and `T` being the set of time steps. The symbols used are defined as follows (with Variables (V) and Parameters (P)): ================== ==== =================================================== math. symbol type explanation ================== ==== =================================================== :math:`X_n(t)` V status (0 or 1) of the flow :math:`n` at time step :math:`t` :math:`N_{X,min}` P lower_limit :math:`N_{X,max}` P lower_limit ================== ==== =================================================== """ # number of concurrent active flows setattr(model, constraint_name, po.Var(model.TIMESTEPS)) for t in model.TIMESTEPS: getattr(model, constraint_name)[t].setlb(lower_limit) getattr(model, constraint_name)[t].setub(upper_limit) attrname_constraint = constraint_name + "_constraint" def _flow_count_rule(m): for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: lhs = sum(m.NonConvexFlow.status[fi, fo, ts] for fi, fo in flows) rhs = getattr(model, constraint_name)[ts] expr = (lhs == rhs) if expr is not True: getattr(m, attrname_constraint).add(ts, expr) setattr(model, attrname_constraint, po.Constraint(model.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True)) setattr(model, attrname_constraint+"_build", po.BuildAction(rule=_flow_count_rule)) return model
[docs]def limit_active_flow_count_by_keyword(model, keyword, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None): r""" This wrapper for limit_active_flow_count allows to set limits to the count of concurrently active flows by using a keyword instead of a list. The constraint will be named $(keyword)_count. Parameters ---------- model: oemof.solph.Model Model to which constraints are added keyword: string keyword to consider (searches all NonConvexFlows) lower_limit: integer minimum number of active flows having the keyword upper_limit: integer maximum number of active flows having the keyword Returns ------- the updated model See Also -------- limit_active_flow_count(model, constraint_name, flows, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None) """ flows = [] for (i, o) in model.NonConvexFlow.NONCONVEX_FLOWS: if hasattr(model.flows[i, o], keyword): flows.append((i, o)) return limit_active_flow_count(model, keyword, flows=flows, lower_limit=lower_limit, upper_limit=upper_limit)
[docs]def equate_variables(model, var1, var2, factor1=1, name=None): r""" Adds a constraint to the given model that set two variables to equal adaptable by a factor. **The following constraints are build:** .. math:: var\textit{1} \cdot factor\textit{1} = var\textit{2} Parameters ---------- var1 : pyomo.environ.Var First variable, to be set to equal with Var2 and multiplied with factor1. var2 : pyomo.environ.Var Second variable, to be set equal to (Var1 * factor1). factor1 : float Factor to define the proportion between the variables. name : str Optional name for the equation e.g. in the LP file. By default the name is: equate + string representation of var1 and var2. model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which the constraint is added. Examples -------- The following example shows how to define a transmission line in the investment mode by connecting both investment variables. Note that the equivalent periodical costs (epc) of the line are 40. You could also add them to one line and set them to 0 for the other line. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=5, freq='H') >>> energysystem = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index) >>> bel1 = solph.Bus(label='electricity1') >>> bel2 = solph.Bus(label='electricity2') >>> energysystem.add(bel1, bel2) >>> energysystem.add(solph.Transformer( ... label='powerline_1_2', ... inputs={bel1: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={bel2: solph.Flow( ... investment=solph.Investment(ep_costs=20))})) >>> energysystem.add(solph.Transformer( ... label='powerline_2_1', ... inputs={bel2: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={bel1: solph.Flow( ... investment=solph.Investment(ep_costs=20))})) >>> om = solph.Model(energysystem) >>> line12 = energysystem.groups['powerline_1_2'] >>> line21 = energysystem.groups['powerline_2_1'] >>> solph.constraints.equate_variables( ... om, ... om.InvestmentFlow.invest[line12, bel2], ... om.InvestmentFlow.invest[line21, bel1]) """ if name is None: name = '_'.join(["equate", str(var1), str(var2)]) def equate_variables_rule(m): return var1 * factor1 == var2 setattr(model, name, po.Constraint(rule=equate_variables_rule))
[docs]def shared_limit(model, quantity, limit_name, components, weights, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None): r""" Adds a constraint to the given model that restricts the weighted sum of variables to a corridor. **The following constraints are build:** .. math:: l_\mathrm{low} \le \sum v_i(t) \times w_i(t) \le l_\mathrm{up} \forall t Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which the constraint is added. limit_name : string Name of the constraint to create quantity : pyomo.core.base.var.IndexedVar Shared Pyomo variable for all components of a type. components : list of components list of components of the same type weights : list of numeric values has to have the same length as the list of components lower_limit : numeric the lower limit upper_limit : numeric the lower limit Examples -------- The constraint can e.g. be used to define a common storage that is shared between parties but that do not exchange energy on balance sheet. Thus, every party has their own bus and storage, respectively, to model the energy flow. However, as the physical storage is shared, it has a common limit. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=5, freq='H') >>> energysystem = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index) >>> b1 = solph.Bus(label="Party1Bus") >>> b2 = solph.Bus(label="Party2Bus") >>> storage1 = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label="Party1Storage", ... nominal_storage_capacity=5, ... inputs={b1: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={b1: solph.Flow()}) >>> storage2 = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label="Party2Storage", ... nominal_storage_capacity=5, ... inputs={b1: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={b1: solph.Flow()}) >>> energysystem.add(b1, b2, storage1, storage2) >>> components = [storage1, storage2] >>> model = solph.Model(energysystem) >>> solph.constraints.shared_limit( ... model, ... model.GenericStorageBlock.storage_content, ... "limit_storage", components, ... [1, 1], upper_limit=5) """ setattr(model, limit_name, po.Var(model.TIMESTEPS)) for t in model.TIMESTEPS: getattr(model, limit_name)[t].setlb(lower_limit) getattr(model, limit_name)[t].setub(upper_limit) weighted_sum_constraint = limit_name + "_constraint" def _weighted_sum_rule(m): for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: lhs = sum(quantity[c, ts] * w for c, w in zip(components, weights)) rhs = getattr(model, limit_name)[ts] expr = (lhs == rhs) getattr(m, weighted_sum_constraint).add(ts, expr) setattr(model, weighted_sum_constraint, po.Constraint(model.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True)) setattr(model, weighted_sum_constraint+"_build", po.BuildAction(rule=_weighted_sum_rule))