Source code for oemof.solph.constraints.shared_limit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A constraint to have one common limit for several components.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


from pyomo import environ as po

[docs]def shared_limit( model, quantity, limit_name, components, weights, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=None, ): r""" Adds a constraint to the given model that restricts the weighted sum of variables to a corridor. **The following constraints are build:** .. math:: l_\mathrm{low} \le \sum v_i(t) \times w_i(t) \le l_\mathrm{up} \forall t Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which the constraint is added. limit_name : string Name of the constraint to create quantity : pyomo.core.base.var.IndexedVar Shared Pyomo variable for all components of a type. components : list of components list of components of the same type weights : list of numeric values has to have the same length as the list of components lower_limit : numeric the lower limit upper_limit : numeric the lower limit Examples -------- The constraint can e.g. be used to define a common storage that is shared between parties but that do not exchange energy on balance sheet. Thus, every party has their own bus and storage, respectively, to model the energy flow. However, as the physical storage is shared, it has a common limit. >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> date_time_index = pd.date_range('1/1/2012', periods=5, freq='H') >>> energysystem = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index) >>> b1 = solph.Bus(label="Party1Bus") >>> b2 = solph.Bus(label="Party2Bus") >>> storage1 = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label="Party1Storage", ... nominal_storage_capacity=5, ... inputs={b1: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={b1: solph.Flow()}) >>> storage2 = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label="Party2Storage", ... nominal_storage_capacity=5, ... inputs={b1: solph.Flow()}, ... outputs={b1: solph.Flow()}) >>> energysystem.add(b1, b2, storage1, storage2) >>> components = [storage1, storage2] >>> model = solph.Model(energysystem) >>> solph.constraints.shared_limit( ... model, ... model.GenericStorageBlock.storage_content, ... "limit_storage", components, ... [1, 1], upper_limit=5) """ setattr(model, limit_name, po.Var(model.TIMESTEPS)) for t in model.TIMESTEPS: getattr(model, limit_name)[t].setlb(lower_limit) getattr(model, limit_name)[t].setub(upper_limit) weighted_sum_constraint = limit_name + "_constraint" def _weighted_sum_rule(m): for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: lhs = sum(quantity[c, ts] * w for c, w in zip(components, weights)) rhs = getattr(model, limit_name)[ts] expr = lhs == rhs getattr(m, weighted_sum_constraint).add(ts, expr) setattr( model, weighted_sum_constraint, po.Constraint(model.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True), ) setattr( model, weighted_sum_constraint + "_build", po.BuildAction(rule=_weighted_sum_rule), )