Source code for oemof.solph.components._generic_storage

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GenericStorage and associated individual constraints (blocks) and groupings.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Cord Kaldemeyer
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FranziPl
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jnnr
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Stephan Günther
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: FabianTU
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Röder
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Ekaterina Zolotarevskaia

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


from import network
from pyomo.core.base.block import ScalarBlock
from pyomo.environ import Binary
from pyomo.environ import Constraint
from pyomo.environ import Expression
from pyomo.environ import NonNegativeReals
from pyomo.environ import Set
from pyomo.environ import Var

from oemof.solph._helpers import check_node_object_for_missing_attribute
from oemof.solph._options import Investment
from oemof.solph._plumbing import sequence as solph_sequence

[docs]class GenericStorage(network.Node): r""" Component `GenericStorage` to model with basic characteristics of storages. The GenericStorage is designed for one input and one output. Parameters ---------- nominal_storage_capacity : numeric, :math:`E_{nom}` Absolute nominal capacity of the storage invest_relation_input_capacity : numeric or None, :math:`r_{cap,in}` Ratio between the investment variable of the input Flow and the investment variable of the storage: :math:`\dot{E}_{in,invest} = E_{invest} \cdot r_{cap,in}` invest_relation_output_capacity : numeric or None, :math:`r_{cap,out}` Ratio between the investment variable of the output Flow and the investment variable of the storage: :math:`\dot{E}_{out,invest} = E_{invest} \cdot r_{cap,out}` invest_relation_input_output : numeric or None, :math:`r_{in,out}` Ratio between the investment variable of the output Flow and the investment variable of the input flow. This ratio used to fix the flow investments to each other. Values < 1 set the input flow lower than the output and > 1 will set the input flow higher than the output flow. If None no relation will be set: :math:`\dot{E}_{in,invest} = \dot{E}_{out,invest} \cdot r_{in,out}` initial_storage_level : numeric, :math:`c(-1)` The relative storage content in the timestep before the first time step of optimization (between 0 and 1). balanced : boolean Couple storage level of first and last time step. (Total inflow and total outflow are balanced.) loss_rate : numeric (iterable or scalar) The relative loss of the storage content per hour. fixed_losses_relative : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`\gamma(t)` Losses per hour that are independent of the storage content but proportional to nominal storage capacity. fixed_losses_absolute : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`\delta(t)` Losses per hour that are independent of storage content and independent of nominal storage capacity. inflow_conversion_factor : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`\eta_i(t)` The relative conversion factor, i.e. efficiency associated with the inflow of the storage. outflow_conversion_factor : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`\eta_o(t)` see: inflow_conversion_factor min_storage_level : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`c_{min}(t)` The normed minimum storage content as fraction of the nominal storage capacity (between 0 and 1). To set different values in every time step use a sequence. max_storage_level : numeric (iterable or scalar), :math:`c_{max}(t)` see: min_storage_level investment : :class:`oemof.solph.options.Investment` object Object indicating if a nominal_value of the flow is determined by the optimization problem. Note: This will refer all attributes to an investment variable instead of to the nominal_storage_capacity. The nominal_storage_capacity should not be set (or set to None) if an investment object is used. Notes ----- The following sets, variables, constraints and objective parts are created * :py:class:`~oemof.solph.components._generic_storage.GenericStorageBlock` (if no Investment object present) * :py:class:`~oemof.solph.components._generic_storage.GenericInvestmentStorageBlock` (if Investment object present) Examples -------- Basic usage examples of the GenericStorage with a random selection of attributes. See the Flow class for all Flow attributes. >>> from oemof import solph >>> my_bus = solph.buses.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_storage = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label='storage', ... nominal_storage_capacity=1000, ... inputs={my_bus: solph.flows.Flow(nominal_value=200, variable_costs=10)}, ... outputs={my_bus: solph.flows.Flow(nominal_value=200)}, ... loss_rate=0.01, ... initial_storage_level=0, ... max_storage_level = 0.9, ... inflow_conversion_factor=0.9, ... outflow_conversion_factor=0.93) >>> my_investment_storage = solph.components.GenericStorage( ... label='storage', ... investment=solph.Investment(ep_costs=50), ... inputs={my_bus: solph.flows.Flow()}, ... outputs={my_bus: solph.flows.Flow()}, ... loss_rate=0.02, ... initial_storage_level=None, ... invest_relation_input_capacity=1/6, ... invest_relation_output_capacity=1/6, ... inflow_conversion_factor=1, ... outflow_conversion_factor=0.8) """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, label=None, inputs=None, outputs=None, nominal_storage_capacity=None, initial_storage_level=None, investment=None, invest_relation_input_output=None, invest_relation_input_capacity=None, invest_relation_output_capacity=None, min_storage_level=0, max_storage_level=1, balanced=True, loss_rate=0, fixed_losses_relative=0, fixed_losses_absolute=0, inflow_conversion_factor=1, outflow_conversion_factor=1, custom_attributes=None, ): if inputs is None: inputs = {} if outputs is None: outputs = {} if custom_attributes is None: custom_attributes = {} super().__init__( label=label, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, **custom_attributes, ) self.nominal_storage_capacity = nominal_storage_capacity self.initial_storage_level = initial_storage_level self.balanced = balanced self.loss_rate = solph_sequence(loss_rate) self.fixed_losses_relative = solph_sequence(fixed_losses_relative) self.fixed_losses_absolute = solph_sequence(fixed_losses_absolute) self.inflow_conversion_factor = solph_sequence( inflow_conversion_factor ) self.outflow_conversion_factor = solph_sequence( outflow_conversion_factor ) self.max_storage_level = solph_sequence(max_storage_level) self.min_storage_level = solph_sequence(min_storage_level) self.investment = investment self.invest_relation_input_output = invest_relation_input_output self.invest_relation_input_capacity = invest_relation_input_capacity self.invest_relation_output_capacity = invest_relation_output_capacity self._invest_group = isinstance(self.investment, Investment) # Check number of flows. self._check_number_of_flows() # Check for infeasible parameter combinations self._check_infeasible_parameter_combinations() # Check attributes for the investment mode. if self._invest_group is True: self._check_invest_attributes() def _set_flows(self): for flow in self.inputs.values(): if ( self.invest_relation_input_capacity is not None and not isinstance(flow.investment, Investment) ): flow.investment = Investment() for flow in self.outputs.values(): if ( self.invest_relation_output_capacity is not None and not isinstance(flow.investment, Investment) ): flow.investment = Investment() def _check_invest_attributes(self): if self.investment and self.nominal_storage_capacity is not None: e1 = ( "If an investment object is defined the invest variable " "replaces the nominal_storage_capacity.\n Therefore the " "nominal_storage_capacity should be 'None'.\n" ) raise AttributeError(e1) if ( self.invest_relation_input_output is not None and self.invest_relation_output_capacity is not None and self.invest_relation_input_capacity is not None ): e2 = ( "Overdetermined. Three investment object will be coupled" "with three constraints. Set one invest relation to 'None'." ) raise AttributeError(e2) if ( self.investment and sum(solph_sequence(self.fixed_losses_absolute)) != 0 and self.investment.existing == 0 and self.investment.minimum == 0 ): e3 = ( "With fixed_losses_absolute > 0, either investment.existing " "or investment.minimum has to be non-zero." ) raise AttributeError(e3) self._set_flows() def _check_number_of_flows(self): msg = "Only one {0} flow allowed in the GenericStorage {1}." check_node_object_for_missing_attribute(self, "inputs") check_node_object_for_missing_attribute(self, "outputs") if len(self.inputs) > 1: raise AttributeError(msg.format("input", self.label)) if len(self.outputs) > 1: raise AttributeError(msg.format("output", self.label)) def _check_infeasible_parameter_combinations(self): """Checks for infeasible parameter combinations and raises error""" msg = ( "initial_storage_level must be greater or equal to " "min_storage_level and smaller or equal to " "max_storage_level." ) if self.initial_storage_level is not None: if ( self.initial_storage_level < self.min_storage_level[0] or self.initial_storage_level > self.max_storage_level[0] ): raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def constraint_group(self): if self._invest_group is True: return GenericInvestmentStorageBlock else: return GenericStorageBlock
[docs]class GenericStorageBlock(ScalarBlock): r"""Storage without an :class:`.Investment` object. **The following sets are created:** (-> see basic sets at :class:`.Model` ) STORAGES A set with all :class:`.Storage` objects, which do not have an attr:`investment` of type :class:`.Investment`. STORAGES_BALANCED A set of all :py:class:`~.GenericStorage` objects, with 'balanced' attribute set to True. STORAGES_WITH_INVEST_FLOW_REL A set with all :class:`.Storage` objects with two investment flows coupled with the 'invest_relation_input_output' attribute. **The following variables are created:** storage_content Storage content for every storage and timestep. The value for the storage content at the beginning is set by the parameter `initial_storage_level` or not set if `initial_storage_level` is None. The variable of storage s and timestep t can be accessed by: `om.Storage.storage_content[s, t]` **The following constraints are created:** Set storage_content of last time step to one at t=0 if balanced == True .. math:: E(t_{last}) = &E(-1) Storage balance :attr:`om.Storage.balance[n, t]` .. math:: E(t) = &E(t-1) \cdot (1 - \beta(t)) ^{\tau(t)/(t_u)} \\ &- \gamma(t)\cdot E_{nom} \cdot {\tau(t)/(t_u)}\\ &- \delta(t) \cdot {\tau(t)/(t_u)}\\ &- \frac{\dot{E}_o(t)}{\eta_o(t)} \cdot \tau(t) + \dot{E}_i(t) \cdot \eta_i(t) \cdot \tau(t) Connect the invest variables of the input and the output flow. .. math:: InvestmentFlowBlock.invest(source(n), n) + existing = \\ (InvestmentFlowBlock.invest(n, target(n)) + existing) * \\ invest\_relation\_input\_output(n) \\ \forall n \in \textrm{INVEST\_REL\_IN\_OUT} =========================== ======================= ========= symbol explanation attribute =========================== ======================= ========= :math:`E(t)` energy currently stored `storage_content` :math:`E_{nom}` nominal capacity of `nominal_storage_capacity` the energy storage :math:`c(-1)` state before `initial_storage_level` initial time step :math:`c_{min}(t)` minimum allowed storage `min_storage_level[t]` :math:`c_{max}(t)` maximum allowed storage `max_storage_level[t]` :math:`\beta(t)` fraction of lost energy `loss_rate[t]` as share of :math:`E(t)` per hour :math:`\gamma(t)` fixed loss of energy `fixed_losses_relative[t]` relative to :math:`E_{nom}` per hour :math:`\delta(t)` absolute fixed loss `fixed_losses_absolute[t]` of energy per hour :math:`\dot{E}_i(t)` energy flowing in `inputs` :math:`\dot{E}_o(t)` energy flowing out `outputs` :math:`\eta_i(t)` conversion factor `inflow_conversion_factor[t]` (i.e. efficiency) when storing energy :math:`\eta_o(t)` conversion factor when `outflow_conversion_factor[t]` (i.e. efficiency) taking stored energy :math:`\tau(t)` duration of time step :math:`t_u` time unit of losses :math:`\beta(t)`, :math:`\gamma(t)` :math:`\delta(t)` and timeincrement :math:`\tau(t)` =========================== ======================= ========= **The following parts of the objective function are created:** Nothing added to the objective function. """ # noqa: E501 CONSTRAINT_GROUP = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """ Parameters ---------- group : list List containing storage objects. e.g. groups=[storage1, storage2,..] """ m = self.parent_block() if group is None: return None i = {n: [i for i in n.inputs][0] for n in group} o = {n: [o for o in n.outputs][0] for n in group} # ************* SETS ********************************* self.STORAGES = Set(initialize=[n for n in group]) self.STORAGES_BALANCED = Set( initialize=[n for n in group if n.balanced is True] ) self.STORAGES_INITITAL_LEVEL = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.initial_storage_level is not None ] ) self.STORAGES_WITH_INVEST_FLOW_REL = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.invest_relation_input_output is not None ] ) # ************* VARIABLES ***************************** def _storage_content_bound_rule(block, n, t): """ Rule definition for bounds of storage_content variable of storage n in timestep t. """ bounds = ( n.nominal_storage_capacity * n.min_storage_level[t], n.nominal_storage_capacity * n.max_storage_level[t], ) return bounds self.storage_content = Var( self.STORAGES, m.TIMEPOINTS, bounds=_storage_content_bound_rule ) # set the initial storage content # ToDo: More elegant code possible? for n in group: if n.initial_storage_level is not None: self.storage_content[n, 0] = ( n.initial_storage_level * n.nominal_storage_capacity ) self.storage_content[n, 0].fix() # ************* Constraints *************************** def _storage_balance_rule(block, n, t): """ Rule definition for the storage balance of every storage n and every timestep. """ expr = 0 expr += block.storage_content[n, t + 1] expr += ( -block.storage_content[n, t] * (1 - n.loss_rate[t]) ** m.timeincrement[t] ) expr += ( n.fixed_losses_relative[t] * n.nominal_storage_capacity * m.timeincrement[t] ) expr += n.fixed_losses_absolute[t] * m.timeincrement[t] expr += ( -m.flow[i[n], n, t] * n.inflow_conversion_factor[t] ) * m.timeincrement[t] expr += ( m.flow[n, o[n], t] / n.outflow_conversion_factor[t] ) * m.timeincrement[t] return expr == 0 self.balance = Constraint( self.STORAGES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_storage_balance_rule ) def _balanced_storage_rule(block, n): """ Storage content of last time step == initial storage content if balanced. """ return ( block.storage_content[n,] == block.storage_content[n,] ) self.balanced_cstr = Constraint( self.STORAGES_BALANCED, rule=_balanced_storage_rule ) def _power_coupled(block, n): """ Rule definition for constraint to connect the input power and output power """ expr = ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[n, o[n]] + m.flows[n, o[n]].investment.existing ) * n.invest_relation_input_output == ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[i[n], n] + m.flows[i[n], n].investment.existing ) return expr self.power_coupled = Constraint( self.STORAGES_WITH_INVEST_FLOW_REL, rule=_power_coupled ) def _objective_expression(self): r""" Objective expression for storages with no investment. Note: This adds nothing as variable costs are already added in the Block :class:`SimpleFlowBlock`. """ if not hasattr(self, "STORAGES"): return 0 return 0
[docs]class GenericInvestmentStorageBlock(ScalarBlock): r""" Block for all storages with :attr:`Investment` being not None. See :class:`oemof.solph.options.Investment` for all parameters of the Investment class. **Variables** All Storages are indexed by :math:`n`, which is omitted in the following for the sake of convenience. The following variables are created as attributes of :attr:`om.InvestmentStorage`: * :math:`P_i(t)` Inflow of the storage (created in :class:`oemof.solph.models.BaseModel`). * :math:`P_o(t)` Outflow of the storage (created in :class:`oemof.solph.models.BaseModel`). * :math:`E(t)` Current storage content (Absolute level of stored energy). * :math:`E_{invest}` Invested (nominal) capacity of the storage. * :math:`E(-1)` Initial storage content (before timestep 0). * :math:`b_{invest}` Binary variable for the status of the investment, if :attr:`nonconvex` is `True`. **Constraints** The following constraints are created for all investment storages: Storage balance (Same as for :class:`.GenericStorageBlock`) .. math:: E(t) = &E(t-1) \cdot (1 - \beta(t)) ^{\tau(t)/(t_u)} \\ &- \gamma(t)\cdot (E_{exist} + E_{invest}) \cdot {\tau(t)/(t_u)}\\ &- \delta(t) \cdot {\tau(t)/(t_u)}\\ &- \frac{P_o(t)}{\eta_o(t)} \cdot \tau(t) + P_i(t) \cdot \eta_i(t) \cdot \tau(t) Depending on the attribute :attr:`nonconvex`, the constraints for the bounds of the decision variable :math:`E_{invest}` are different:\ * :attr:`nonconvex = False` .. math:: E_{invest, min} \le E_{invest} \le E_{invest, max} * :attr:`nonconvex = True` .. math:: & E_{invest, min} \cdot b_{invest} \le E_{invest}\\ & E_{invest} \le E_{invest, max} \cdot b_{invest}\\ The following constraints are created depending on the attributes of the :class:`.components.GenericStorage`: * :attr:`initial_storage_level is None` Constraint for a variable initial storage content: .. math:: E(-1) \le E_{invest} + E_{exist} * :attr:`initial_storage_level is not None` An initial value for the storage content is given: .. math:: E(-1) = (E_{invest} + E_{exist}) \cdot c(-1) * :attr:`balanced=True` The energy content of storage of the first and the last timestep are set equal: .. math:: E(-1) = E(t_{last}) * :attr:`invest_relation_input_capacity is not None` Connect the invest variables of the storage and the input flow: .. math:: P_{i,invest} + P_{i,exist} = (E_{invest} + E_{exist}) \cdot r_{cap,in} * :attr:`invest_relation_output_capacity is not None` Connect the invest variables of the storage and the output flow: .. math:: P_{o,invest} + P_{o,exist} = (E_{invest} + E_{exist}) \cdot r_{cap,out} * :attr:`invest_relation_input_output is not None` Connect the invest variables of the input and the output flow: .. math:: P_{i,invest} + P_{i,exist} = (P_{o,invest} + P_{o,exist}) \cdot r_{in,out} * :attr:`max_storage_level` Rule for upper bound constraint for the storage content: .. math:: E(t) \leq E_{invest} \cdot c_{max}(t) * :attr:`min_storage_level` Rule for lower bound constraint for the storage content: .. math:: E(t) \geq E_{invest} \cdot c_{min}(t) **Objective function** The part of the objective function added by the investment storages also depends on whether a convex or nonconvex investment option is selected. The following parts of the objective function are created: * :attr:`nonconvex = False` .. math:: E_{invest} \cdot c_{invest,var} * :attr:`nonconvex = True` .. math:: E_{invest} \cdot c_{invest,var} + c_{invest,fix} \cdot b_{invest}\\ The total value of all investment costs of all *InvestmentStorages* can be retrieved calling :meth:`om.GenericInvestmentStorageBlock.investment_costs.expr()`. .. csv-table:: List of Variables :header: "symbol", "attribute", "explanation" :widths: 1, 1, 1 ":math:`P_i(t)`", ":attr:`flow[i[n], n, t]`", "Inflow of the storage" ":math:`P_o(t)`", ":attr:`flow[n, o[n], t]`", "Outlfow of the storage" ":math:`E(t)`", ":attr:`storage_content[n, t]`", "Current storage content (current absolute stored energy)" ":math:`E_{invest}`", ":attr:`invest[n, t]`", "Invested (nominal) capacity of the storage" ":math:`E(-1)`", ":attr:`init_cap[n]`", "Initial storage capacity (before timestep 0)" ":math:`b_{invest}`", ":attr:`invest_status[i, o]`", "Binary variable for the status of investment" ":math:`P_{i,invest}`", ":attr:`InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[i[n], n]`", "Invested (nominal) inflow (Investmentflow)" ":math:`P_{o,invest}`", ":attr:`InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[n, o[n]]`", "Invested (nominal) outflow (Investmentflow)" .. csv-table:: List of Parameters :header: "symbol", "attribute", "explanation" :widths: 1, 1, 1 ":math:`E_{exist}`", "`flows[i, o].investment.existing`", " Existing storage capacity" ":math:`E_{invest,min}`", "`flows[i, o].investment.minimum`", " Minimum investment value" ":math:`E_{invest,max}`", "`flows[i, o].investment.maximum`", " Maximum investment value" ":math:`P_{i,exist}`", "`flows[i[n], n].investment.existing` ", "Existing inflow capacity" ":math:`P_{o,exist}`", "`flows[n, o[n]].investment.existing` ", "Existing outlfow capacity" ":math:`c_{invest,var}`", "`flows[i, o].investment.ep_costs` ", "Variable investment costs" ":math:`c_{invest,fix}`", "`flows[i, o].investment.offset`", " Fix investment costs" ":math:`r_{cap,in}`", ":attr:`invest_relation_input_capacity`", " Relation of storage capacity and nominal inflow" ":math:`r_{cap,out}`", ":attr:`invest_relation_output_capacity`", " Relation of storage capacity and nominal outflow" ":math:`r_{in,out}`", ":attr:`invest_relation_input_output`", " Relation of nominal in- and outflow" ":math:`\beta(t)`", "`loss_rate[t]`", "Fraction of lost energy as share of :math:`E(t)` per time unit" ":math:`\gamma(t)`", "`fixed_losses_relative[t]`", "Fixed loss of energy relative to :math:`E_{invest} + E_{exist}` per time unit" ":math:`\delta(t)`", "`fixed_losses_absolute[t]`", "Absolute fixed loss of energy per time unit" ":math:`\eta_i(t)`", "`inflow_conversion_factor[t]`", " Conversion factor (i.e. efficiency) when storing energy" ":math:`\eta_o(t)`", "`outflow_conversion_factor[t]`", " Conversion factor when (i.e. efficiency) taking stored energy" ":math:`c(-1)`", "`initial_storage_level`", "Initial relativ storage content (before timestep 0)" ":math:`c_{max}`", "`flows[i, o].max[t]`", "Normed maximum value of storage content" ":math:`c_{min}`", "`flows[i, o].min[t]`", "Normed minimum value of storage content" ":math:`\tau(t)`", "", "Duration of time step" ":math:`t_u`", "", "Time unit of losses :math:`\beta(t)`, :math:`\gamma(t)`, :math:`\delta(t)` and timeincrement :math:`\tau(t)`" """ CONSTRAINT_GROUP = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """ """ m = self.parent_block() if group is None: return None # ########################## SETS ##################################### self.INVESTSTORAGES = Set(initialize=[n for n in group]) self.CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES = Set( initialize=[n for n in group if n.investment.nonconvex is False] ) self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES = Set( initialize=[n for n in group if n.investment.nonconvex is True] ) self.INVESTSTORAGES_BALANCED = Set( initialize=[n for n in group if n.balanced is True] ) self.INVESTSTORAGES_NO_INIT_CONTENT = Set( initialize=[n for n in group if n.initial_storage_level is None] ) self.INVESTSTORAGES_INIT_CONTENT = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.initial_storage_level is not None ] ) self.INVEST_REL_CAP_IN = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.invest_relation_input_capacity is not None ] ) self.INVEST_REL_CAP_OUT = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.invest_relation_output_capacity is not None ] ) self.INVEST_REL_IN_OUT = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if n.invest_relation_input_output is not None ] ) # The storage content is a non-negative variable, therefore it makes no # sense to create an additional constraint if the lower bound is zero # for all time steps. self.MIN_INVESTSTORAGES = Set( initialize=[ n for n in group if sum([n.min_storage_level[t] for t in m.TIMESTEPS]) > 0 ] ) # ######################### Variables ################################ self.storage_content = Var( self.INVESTSTORAGES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) def _storage_investvar_bound_rule(block, n): """ Rule definition to bound the invested storage capacity `invest`. """ if n in self.CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES: return n.investment.minimum, n.investment.maximum elif n in self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES: return 0, n.investment.maximum self.invest = Var( self.INVESTSTORAGES, within=NonNegativeReals, bounds=_storage_investvar_bound_rule, ) self.init_content = Var(self.INVESTSTORAGES, within=NonNegativeReals) # create status variable for a non-convex investment storage self.invest_status = Var(self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES, within=Binary) # ######################### CONSTRAINTS ############################### i = {n: [i for i in n.inputs][0] for n in group} o = {n: [o for o in n.outputs][0] for n in group} reduced_timesteps = [x for x in m.TIMESTEPS if x > 0] def _inv_storage_init_content_max_rule(block, n): """Constraint for a variable initial storage capacity.""" return ( block.init_content[n] <= n.investment.existing + block.invest[n] ) self.init_content_limit = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES_NO_INIT_CONTENT, rule=_inv_storage_init_content_max_rule, ) def _inv_storage_init_content_fix_rule(block, n): """Constraint for a fixed initial storage capacity.""" return block.init_content[n] == n.initial_storage_level * ( n.investment.existing + block.invest[n] ) self.init_content_fix = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES_INIT_CONTENT, rule=_inv_storage_init_content_fix_rule, ) def _storage_balance_first_rule(block, n): """ Rule definition for the storage balance of every storage n for the first time step. """ expr = 0 expr += block.storage_content[n, 0] expr += ( -block.init_content[n] * (1 - n.loss_rate[0]) ** m.timeincrement[0] ) expr += ( n.fixed_losses_relative[0] * (n.investment.existing + self.invest[n]) * m.timeincrement[0] ) expr += n.fixed_losses_absolute[0] * m.timeincrement[0] expr += ( -m.flow[i[n], n, 0] * n.inflow_conversion_factor[0] ) * m.timeincrement[0] expr += ( m.flow[n, o[n], 0] / n.outflow_conversion_factor[0] ) * m.timeincrement[0] return expr == 0 self.balance_first = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES, rule=_storage_balance_first_rule ) def _storage_balance_rule(block, n, t): """ Rule definition for the storage balance of every storage n for the every time step but the first. """ expr = 0 expr += block.storage_content[n, t] expr += ( -block.storage_content[n, t - 1] * (1 - n.loss_rate[t]) ** m.timeincrement[t] ) expr += ( n.fixed_losses_relative[t] * (n.investment.existing + self.invest[n]) * m.timeincrement[t] ) expr += n.fixed_losses_absolute[t] * m.timeincrement[t] expr += ( -m.flow[i[n], n, t] * n.inflow_conversion_factor[t] ) * m.timeincrement[t] expr += ( m.flow[n, o[n], t] / n.outflow_conversion_factor[t] ) * m.timeincrement[t] return expr == 0 self.balance = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES, reduced_timesteps, rule=_storage_balance_rule ) def _balanced_storage_rule(block, n): return ( block.storage_content[n,] == block.init_content[n] ) self.balanced_cstr = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES_BALANCED, rule=_balanced_storage_rule ) def _power_coupled(block, n): """ Rule definition for constraint to connect the input power and output power """ expr = ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[n, o[n]] + m.flows[n, o[n]].investment.existing ) * n.invest_relation_input_output == ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[i[n], n] + m.flows[i[n], n].investment.existing ) return expr self.power_coupled = Constraint( self.INVEST_REL_IN_OUT, rule=_power_coupled ) def _storage_capacity_inflow_invest_rule(block, n): """ Rule definition of constraint connecting the inflow `InvestmentFlowBlock.invest of storage with invested capacity `invest` by nominal_storage_capacity__inflow_ratio """ expr = ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[i[n], n] + m.flows[i[n], n].investment.existing ) == ( n.investment.existing + self.invest[n] ) * n.invest_relation_input_capacity return expr self.storage_capacity_inflow = Constraint( self.INVEST_REL_CAP_IN, rule=_storage_capacity_inflow_invest_rule ) def _storage_capacity_outflow_invest_rule(block, n): """ Rule definition of constraint connecting outflow `InvestmentFlowBlock.invest` of storage and invested capacity `invest` by nominal_storage_capacity__outflow_ratio """ expr = ( m.InvestmentFlowBlock.invest[n, o[n]] + m.flows[n, o[n]].investment.existing ) == ( n.investment.existing + self.invest[n] ) * n.invest_relation_output_capacity return expr self.storage_capacity_outflow = Constraint( self.INVEST_REL_CAP_OUT, rule=_storage_capacity_outflow_invest_rule ) def _max_storage_content_invest_rule(block, n, t): """ Rule definition for upper bound constraint for the storage content. """ expr = ( self.storage_content[n, t] <= (n.investment.existing + self.invest[n]) * n.max_storage_level[t] ) return expr self.max_storage_content = Constraint( self.INVESTSTORAGES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_max_storage_content_invest_rule, ) def _min_storage_content_invest_rule(block, n, t): """ Rule definition of lower bound constraint for the storage content. """ expr = ( self.storage_content[n, t] >= (n.investment.existing + self.invest[n]) * n.min_storage_level[t] ) return expr # Set the lower bound of the storage content if the attribute exists self.min_storage_content = Constraint( self.MIN_INVESTSTORAGES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_min_storage_content_invest_rule, ) def maximum_invest_limit(block, n): """ Constraint for the maximal investment in non convex investment storage. """ return ( n.investment.maximum * self.invest_status[n] - self.invest[n] ) >= 0 self.limit_max = Constraint( self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES, rule=maximum_invest_limit ) def smallest_invest(block, n): """ Constraint for the minimal investment in non convex investment storage if the invest is greater than 0. So the invest variable can be either 0 or greater than the minimum. """ return ( self.invest[n] - (n.investment.minimum * self.invest_status[n]) >= 0 ) self.limit_min = Constraint( self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES, rule=smallest_invest ) def _objective_expression(self): """Objective expression with fixed and investement costs.""" if not hasattr(self, "INVESTSTORAGES"): return 0 investment_costs = 0 for n in self.CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES: investment_costs += self.invest[n] * n.investment.ep_costs for n in self.NON_CONVEX_INVESTSTORAGES: investment_costs += ( self.invest[n] * n.investment.ep_costs + self.invest_status[n] * n.investment.offset ) self.investment_costs = Expression(expr=investment_costs) return investment_costs