Source code for oemof.solph.components.experimental._generic_caes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

In-development generic compressed air energy storage.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Cord Kaldemeyer
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Röder
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jakob-wo
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: gplssm
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jnnr
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Kochems

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


from import network as on
from pyomo.core.base.block import ScalarBlock
from pyomo.environ import Binary
from pyomo.environ import Constraint
from pyomo.environ import NonNegativeReals
from pyomo.environ import Set
from pyomo.environ import Var

[docs]class GenericCAES(on.Transformer): """ Component `GenericCAES` to model arbitrary compressed air energy storages. The full set of equations is described in: Kaldemeyer, C.; Boysen, C.; Tuschy, I. A Generic Formulation of Compressed Air Energy Storage as Mixed Integer Linear Program – Unit Commitment of Specific Technical Concepts in Arbitrary Market Environments Materials Today: Proceedings 00 (2018) 0000–0000 [currently in review] Parameters ---------- electrical_input : dict Dictionary with key-value-pair of `oemof.Bus` and `oemof.Flow` object for the electrical input. fuel_input : dict Dictionary with key-value-pair of `oemof.Bus` and `oemof.Flow` object for the fuel input. electrical_output : dict Dictionary with key-value-pair of `oemof.Bus` and `oemof.Flow` object for the electrical output. Note: This component is experimental. Use it with care. Notes ----- The following sets, variables, constraints and objective parts are created * :py:class:`~oemof.solph.blocks.generic_caes.GenericCAES` Examples -------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> bel = solph.buses.Bus(label='bel') >>> bth = solph.buses.Bus(label='bth') >>> bgas = solph.buses.Bus(label='bgas') >>> # dictionary with parameters for a specific CAES plant >>> concept = { ... 'cav_e_in_b': 0, ... 'cav_e_in_m': 0.6457267578, ... 'cav_e_out_b': 0, ... 'cav_e_out_m': 0.3739636077, ... 'cav_eta_temp': 1.0, ... 'cav_level_max': 211.11, ... 'cmp_p_max_b': 86.0918959849, ... 'cmp_p_max_m': 0.0679999932, ... 'cmp_p_min': 1, ... 'cmp_q_out_b': -19.3996965679, ... 'cmp_q_out_m': 1.1066036114, ... 'cmp_q_tes_share': 0, ... 'exp_p_max_b': 46.1294016678, ... 'exp_p_max_m': 0.2528340303, ... 'exp_p_min': 1, ... 'exp_q_in_b': -2.2073411014, ... 'exp_q_in_m': 1.129249765, ... 'exp_q_tes_share': 0, ... 'tes_eta_temp': 1.0, ... 'tes_level_max': 0.0} >>> # generic compressed air energy storage (caes) plant >>> caes = solph.components.experimental.GenericCAES( ... label='caes', ... electrical_input={bel: solph.flows.Flow()}, ... fuel_input={bgas: solph.flows.Flow()}, ... electrical_output={bel: solph.flows.Flow()}, ... params=concept, fixed_costs=0) >>> type(caes) <class 'oemof.solph.components.experimental._generic_caes.GenericCAES'> """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.electrical_input = kwargs.get("electrical_input") self.fuel_input = kwargs.get("fuel_input") self.electrical_output = kwargs.get("electrical_output") self.params = kwargs.get("params") # map specific flows to standard API self.inputs.update(kwargs.get("electrical_input")) self.inputs.update(kwargs.get("fuel_input")) self.outputs.update(kwargs.get("electrical_output"))
[docs] def constraint_group(self): return GenericCAESBlock
[docs]class GenericCAESBlock(ScalarBlock): r"""Block for nodes of class:`.GenericCAES`. Note: This component is experimental. Use it with care. **The following constraints are created:** .. _GenericCAES-equations: .. math:: & (1) \qquad P_{cmp}(t) = electrical\_input (t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (2) \qquad P_{cmp\_max}(t) = m_{cmp\_max} \cdot CAS_{fil}(t-1) + b_{cmp\_max} \quad \forall t \in\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (3) \qquad P_{cmp\_max}(t) = b_{cmp\_max} \quad \forall t \notin\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (4) \qquad P_{cmp}(t) \leq P_{cmp\_max}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (5) \qquad P_{cmp}(t) \geq P_{cmp\_min} \cdot ST_{cmp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (6) \qquad P_{cmp}(t) = m_{cmp\_max} \cdot CAS_{fil\_max} + b_{cmp\_max} \cdot ST_{cmp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (7) \qquad \dot{Q}_{cmp}(t) = m_{cmp\_q} \cdot P_{cmp}(t) + b_{cmp\_q} \cdot ST_{cmp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (8) \qquad \dot{Q}_{cmp}(t) = \dot{Q}_{cmp_out}(t) + \dot{Q}_{tes\_in}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (9) \qquad r_{cmp\_tes} \cdot\dot{Q}_{cmp\_out}(t) = \left(1-r_{cmp\_tes}\right) \dot{Q}_{tes\_in}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (10) \quad\; P_{exp}(t) = electrical\_output (t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (11) \quad\; P_{exp\_max}(t) = m_{exp\_max} CAS_{fil}(t-1) + b_{exp\_max} \quad \forall t \in\left[1, t_{\max }\right] \\ & (12) \quad\; P_{exp\_max}(t) = b_{exp\_max} \quad \forall t \notin\left[1, t_{\max }\right] \\ & (13) \quad\; P_{exp}(t) \leq P_{exp\_max}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (14) \quad\; P_{exp}(t) \geq P_{exp\_min}(t) \cdot ST_{exp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (15) \quad\; P_{exp}(t) \leq m_{exp\_max} \cdot CAS_{fil\_max} + b_{exp\_max} \cdot ST_{exp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (16) \quad\; \dot{Q}_{exp}(t) = m_{exp\_q} \cdot P_{exp}(t) + b_{cxp\_q} \cdot ST_{cxp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (17) \quad\; \dot{Q}_{exp\_in}(t) = fuel\_input(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (18) \quad\; \dot{Q}_{exp}(t) = \dot{Q}_{exp\_in}(t) + \dot{Q}_{tes\_out}(t)+\dot{Q}_{cxp\_add}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (19) \quad\; r_{exp\_tes} \cdot \dot{Q}_{exp\_in}(t) = (1 - r_{exp\_tes})(\dot{Q}_{tes\_out}(t) + \dot{Q}_{exp\_add}(t)) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (20) \quad\; \dot{E}_{cas\_in}(t) = m_{cas\_in}\cdot P_{cmp}(t) + b_{cas\_in}\cdot ST_{cmp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (21) \quad\; \dot{E}_{cas\_out}(t) = m_{cas\_out}\cdot P_{cmp}(t) + b_{cas\_out}\cdot ST_{cmp}(t) \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (22) \quad\; \eta_{cas\_tmp} \cdot CAS_{fil}(t) = CAS_{fil}(t-1) + \tau\left(\dot{E}_{cas\_in}(t) - \dot{E}_{cas\_out}(t)\right) \quad \forall t \in\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (23) \quad\; \eta_{cas\_tmp} \cdot CAS_{fil}(t) = \tau\left(\dot{E}_{cas\_in}(t) - \dot{E}_{cas\_out}(t)\right) \quad \forall t \notin\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (24) \quad\; CAS_{fil}(t) \leq CAS_{fil\_max} \quad \forall t \in T \\ & (25) \quad\; TES_{fil}(t) = TES_{fil}(t-1) + \tau\left(\dot{Q}_{tes\_in}(t) - \dot{Q}_{tes\_out}(t)\right) \quad \forall t \in\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (26) \quad\; TES_{fil}(t) = \tau\left(\dot{Q}_{tes\_in}(t) - \dot{Q}_{tes\_out}(t)\right) \quad \forall t \notin\left[1, t_{max}\right] \\ & (27) \quad\; TES_{fil}(t) \leq TES_{fil\_max} \quad \forall t \in T \\ & **Table: Symbols and attribute names of variables and parameters** .. csv-table:: Variables (V) and Parameters (P) :header: "symbol", "attribute", "type", "explanation" :widths: 1, 1, 1, 1 ":math:`ST_{cmp}` ", "`cmp_st[n,t]` ", "V", "Status of compression" ":math:`{P}_{cmp}` ", "`cmp_p[n,t]`", "V", "Compression power" ":math:`{P}_{cmp\_max}`", "`cmp_p_max[n,t]`", "V", "Max. compression power" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{cmp}` ", "`cmp_q_out_sum[n,t]`", "V", "Summed heat flow in compression" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{cmp\_out}` ", "`cmp_q_waste[n,t]`", "V", " Waste heat flow from compression" ":math:`ST_{exp}(t)`", "`exp_st[n,t]`", "V", "Status of expansion (binary)" ":math:`P_{exp}(t)`", "`exp_p[n,t]`", "V", "Expansion power" ":math:`P_{exp\_max}(t)`", "`exp_p_max[n,t]`", "V", "Max. expansion power" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{exp}(t)`", "`exp_q_in_sum[n,t]`", "V", " Summed heat flow in expansion" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{exp\_in}(t)`", "`exp_q_fuel_in[n,t]`", "V", " Heat (external) flow into expansion" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{exp\_add}(t)`", "`exp_q_add_in[n,t]`", "V", " Additional heat flow into expansion" ":math:`CAV_{fil}(t)`", "`cav_level[n,t]`", "V", "Filling level if CAE" ":math:`\dot{E}_{cas\_in}(t)`", "`cav_e_in[n,t]`", "V", " Exergy flow into CAS" ":math:`\dot{E}_{cas\_out}(t)`", "`cav_e_out[n,t]`", "V", " Exergy flow from CAS" ":math:`TES_{fil}(t)`", "`tes_level[n,t]`", "V", "Filling level of Thermal Energy Storage (TES)" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{tes\_in}(t)`", "`tes_e_in[n,t]`", "V", "Heat flow into TES" ":math:`\dot{Q}_{tes\_out}(t)`", "`tes_e_out[n,t]`", "V", "Heat flow from TES" ":math:`b_{cmp\_max}`", "`cmp_p_max_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`b_{cmp\_q}`", "`cmp_q_out_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`b_{exp\_max}`", "`exp_p_max_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`b_{exp\_q}`", "`exp_q_in_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`b_{cas\_in}`", "`cav_e_in_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`b_{cas\_out}`", "`cav_e_out_b[n,t]`", "P", "Specific y-intersection" ":math:`m_{cmp\_max}`", "`cmp_p_max_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`m_{cmp\_q}`", "`cmp_q_out_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`m_{exp\_max}`", "`exp_p_max_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`m_{exp\_q}`", "`exp_q_in_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`m_{cas\_in}`", "`cav_e_in_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`m_{cas\_out}`", "`cav_e_out_m[n,t]`", "P", "Specific slope" ":math:`P_{cmp\_min}`", "`cmp_p_min[n,t]`", "P", "Min. compression power" ":math:`r_{cmp\_tes}`", "`cmp_q_tes_share[n,t]`", "P", "Ratio between waste heat flow and heat flow into TES" ":math:`r_{exp\_tes}`", "`exp_q_tes_share[n,t]`", "P", " | Ratio between external heat flow into expansion | and heat flows from TES and additional source" ":math:`\tau`", "`m.timeincrement[n,t]`", "P", "Time interval length" ":math:`TES_{fil\_max}`", "`tes_level_max[n,t]`", "P", "Max. filling level of TES" ":math:`CAS_{fil\_max}`", "`cav_level_max[n,t]`", "P", "Max. filling level of TES" ":math:`\tau`", "`cav_eta_tmp[n,t]`", "P", " | Temporal efficiency | (loss factor to take intertemporal losses into account)" ":math:`electrical\_input`", " `flow[list(n.electrical_input.keys())[0], n, t]`", "P", " Electr. power input into compression" ":math:`electrical\_output`", " `flow[n, list(n.electrical_output.keys())[0], t]`", "P", " Electr. power output of expansion" ":math:`fuel\_input`", " `flow[list(n.fuel_input.keys())[0], n, t]`", "P", "Heat input (external) into Expansion" """ CONSTRAINT_GROUP = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """ Create constraints for GenericCAESBlock. Parameters ---------- group : list List containing `.GenericCAES` objects. e.g. groups=[gcaes1, gcaes2,..] """ m = self.parent_block() if group is None: return None self.GENERICCAES = Set(initialize=[n for n in group]) # Compression: Binary variable for operation status self.cmp_st = Var(self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary) # Compression: Realized capacity self.cmp_p = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Compression: Max. Capacity self.cmp_p_max = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Compression: Heat flow self.cmp_q_out_sum = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Compression: Waste heat self.cmp_q_waste = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Expansion: Binary variable for operation status self.exp_st = Var(self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary) # Expansion: Realized capacity self.exp_p = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Expansion: Max. Capacity self.exp_p_max = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Expansion: Heat flow of natural gas co-firing self.exp_q_in_sum = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Expansion: Heat flow of natural gas co-firing self.exp_q_fuel_in = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Expansion: Heat flow of additional firing self.exp_q_add_in = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Cavern: Filling levelh self.cav_level = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Cavern: Energy inflow self.cav_e_in = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Cavern: Energy outflow self.cav_e_out = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # TES: Filling levelh self.tes_level = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # TES: Energy inflow self.tes_e_in = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # TES: Energy outflow self.tes_e_out = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Spot market: Positive capacity self.exp_p_spot = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Spot market: Negative capacity self.cmp_p_spot = Var( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) # Compression: Capacity on markets def cmp_p_constr_rule(block, n, t): expr = 0 expr += -self.cmp_p[n, t] expr += m.flow[list(n.electrical_input.keys())[0], n, t] return expr == 0 self.cmp_p_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_p_constr_rule ) # Compression: Max. capacity depending on cavern filling level def cmp_p_max_constr_rule(block, n, t): if t != 0: return ( self.cmp_p_max[n, t] == n.params["cmp_p_max_m"] * self.cav_level[n, t - 1] + n.params["cmp_p_max_b"] ) else: return self.cmp_p_max[n, t] == n.params["cmp_p_max_b"] self.cmp_p_max_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_p_max_constr_rule ) def cmp_p_max_area_constr_rule(block, n, t): return self.cmp_p[n, t] <= self.cmp_p_max[n, t] self.cmp_p_max_area_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_p_max_area_constr_rule ) # Compression: Status of operation (on/off) def cmp_st_p_min_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cmp_p[n, t] >= n.params["cmp_p_min"] * self.cmp_st[n, t] ) self.cmp_st_p_min_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_st_p_min_constr_rule ) def cmp_st_p_max_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cmp_p[n, t] <= ( n.params["cmp_p_max_m"] * n.params["cav_level_max"] + n.params["cmp_p_max_b"] ) * self.cmp_st[n, t] ) self.cmp_st_p_max_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_st_p_max_constr_rule ) # (7) Compression: Heat flow out def cmp_q_out_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cmp_q_out_sum[n, t] == n.params["cmp_q_out_m"] * self.cmp_p[n, t] + n.params["cmp_q_out_b"] * self.cmp_st[n, t] ) self.cmp_q_out_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_q_out_constr_rule ) # (8) Compression: Definition of single heat flows def cmp_q_out_sum_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cmp_q_out_sum[n, t] == self.cmp_q_waste[n, t] + self.tes_e_in[n, t] ) self.cmp_q_out_sum_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_q_out_sum_constr_rule ) # (9) Compression: Heat flow out ratio def cmp_q_out_shr_constr_rule(block, n, t): return self.cmp_q_waste[n, t] * n.params[ "cmp_q_tes_share" ] == self.tes_e_in[n, t] * (1 - n.params["cmp_q_tes_share"]) self.cmp_q_out_shr_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cmp_q_out_shr_constr_rule ) # (10) Expansion: Capacity on markets def exp_p_constr_rule(block, n, t): expr = 0 expr += -self.exp_p[n, t] expr += m.flow[n, list(n.electrical_output.keys())[0], t] return expr == 0 self.exp_p_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_p_constr_rule ) # (11-12) Expansion: Max. capacity depending on cavern filling level def exp_p_max_constr_rule(block, n, t): if t != 0: return ( self.exp_p_max[n, t] == n.params["exp_p_max_m"] * self.cav_level[n, t - 1] + n.params["exp_p_max_b"] ) else: return self.exp_p_max[n, t] == n.params["exp_p_max_b"] self.exp_p_max_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_p_max_constr_rule ) # (13) def exp_p_max_area_constr_rule(block, n, t): return self.exp_p[n, t] <= self.exp_p_max[n, t] self.exp_p_max_area_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_p_max_area_constr_rule ) # (14) Expansion: Status of operation (on/off) def exp_st_p_min_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.exp_p[n, t] >= n.params["exp_p_min"] * self.exp_st[n, t] ) self.exp_st_p_min_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_st_p_min_constr_rule ) # (15) def exp_st_p_max_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.exp_p[n, t] <= ( n.params["exp_p_max_m"] * n.params["cav_level_max"] + n.params["exp_p_max_b"] ) * self.exp_st[n, t] ) self.exp_st_p_max_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_st_p_max_constr_rule ) # (16) Expansion: Heat flow in def exp_q_in_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.exp_q_in_sum[n, t] == n.params["exp_q_in_m"] * self.exp_p[n, t] + n.params["exp_q_in_b"] * self.exp_st[n, t] ) self.exp_q_in_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_q_in_constr_rule ) # (17) Expansion: Fuel allocation def exp_q_fuel_constr_rule(block, n, t): expr = 0 expr += -self.exp_q_fuel_in[n, t] expr += m.flow[list(n.fuel_input.keys())[0], n, t] return expr == 0 self.exp_q_fuel_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_q_fuel_constr_rule ) # (18) Expansion: Definition of single heat flows def exp_q_in_sum_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.exp_q_in_sum[n, t] == self.exp_q_fuel_in[n, t] + self.tes_e_out[n, t] + self.exp_q_add_in[n, t] ) self.exp_q_in_sum_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_q_in_sum_constr_rule ) # (19) Expansion: Heat flow in ratio def exp_q_in_shr_constr_rule(block, n, t): return n.params["exp_q_tes_share"] * self.exp_q_fuel_in[n, t] == ( 1 - n.params["exp_q_tes_share"] ) * (self.exp_q_add_in[n, t] + self.tes_e_out[n, t]) self.exp_q_in_shr_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=exp_q_in_shr_constr_rule ) # (20) Cavern: Energy inflow def cav_e_in_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cav_e_in[n, t] == n.params["cav_e_in_m"] * self.cmp_p[n, t] + n.params["cav_e_in_b"] ) self.cav_e_in_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cav_e_in_constr_rule ) # (21) Cavern: Energy outflow def cav_e_out_constr_rule(block, n, t): return ( self.cav_e_out[n, t] == n.params["cav_e_out_m"] * self.exp_p[n, t] + n.params["cav_e_out_b"] ) self.cav_e_out_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cav_e_out_constr_rule ) # (22-23) Cavern: Storage balance def cav_eta_constr_rule(block, n, t): if t != 0: return n.params["cav_eta_temp"] * self.cav_level[ n, t ] == self.cav_level[n, t - 1] + m.timeincrement[t] * ( self.cav_e_in[n, t] - self.cav_e_out[n, t] ) else: return n.params["cav_eta_temp"] * self.cav_level[ n, t ] == m.timeincrement[t] * ( self.cav_e_in[n, t] - self.cav_e_out[n, t] ) self.cav_eta_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cav_eta_constr_rule ) # (24) Cavern: Upper bound def cav_ub_constr_rule(block, n, t): return self.cav_level[n, t] <= n.params["cav_level_max"] self.cav_ub_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=cav_ub_constr_rule ) # (25-26) TES: Storage balance def tes_eta_constr_rule(block, n, t): if t != 0: return self.tes_level[n, t] == self.tes_level[ n, t - 1 ] + m.timeincrement[t] * ( self.tes_e_in[n, t] - self.tes_e_out[n, t] ) else: return self.tes_level[n, t] == m.timeincrement[t] * ( self.tes_e_in[n, t] - self.tes_e_out[n, t] ) self.tes_eta_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=tes_eta_constr_rule ) # (27) TES: Upper bound def tes_ub_constr_rule(block, n, t): return self.tes_level[n, t] <= n.params["tes_level_max"] self.tes_ub_constr = Constraint( self.GENERICCAES, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=tes_ub_constr_rule )