Source code for oemof.solph.constraints.equate_flows

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Constraints to relate variables in an existing model.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jnnr

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


from pyomo import environ as po

[docs]def equate_flows(model, flows1, flows2, factor1=1, name="equate_flows"): r""" Adds a constraint to the given model that sets the sum of two groups of flows equal or proportional by a factor for each timestep. **The following constraints are built:** .. math:: \text{factor\_1} \cdot \sum_{\text{flow in flows1}} \text{flow}_{t} = \sum_{\text{flow in flows2}} \text{flow}_t \forall t Parameters ---------- model : oemof.solph.Model Model to which the constraint is added. flows1 : iterable First group of flows, to be set to equal with Var2 and multiplied with factor1. flows2 : iterable Second group of flows, to be set equal to (Var1 * factor1). factor1 : numeric, default=1 Factor to define the proportion between the two groups. name : str, default='equate_flows' Name for the equation e.g. in the LP file. Returns ------- the updated model. """ def _equate_flow_groups_rule(m): for ts in m.TIMESTEPS: sum1_t = sum(m.flow[fi, fo, ts] for fi, fo in flows1) sum2_t = sum(m.flow[fi, fo, ts] for fi, fo in flows2) expr = sum1_t * factor1 == sum2_t if expr is not True: getattr(m, name).add(ts, expr) setattr( model, name, po.Constraint(model.TIMESTEPS, noruleinit=True), ) setattr( model, name + "_build", po.BuildAction(rule=_equate_flow_groups_rule), ) return model
def equate_flows_by_keyword( model, keyword1, keyword2, factor1=1, name="equate_flows" ): r""" This wrapper for equate_flows allows to equate groups of flows by using a keyword instead of a list of flows. Parameters ---------- model: oemof.solph.Model Model to which constraints are added. keyword1: string keyword to consider (searches all Flows). keyword2: string keyword to consider (searches all Flows). factor1 : numeric, default=1 Factor to define the proportion between the two groups. name : str, default='equate_flows' Name for the equation e.g. in the LP file. Returns ------- the updated model See Also -------- equate_flows(model, flows1, flows2, factor1=1, name="equate_flows") """ flows = {} for n, keyword in enumerate([keyword1, keyword2]): flows[n] = [] for i, o in model.flows: if hasattr(model.flows[i, o], keyword): flows[n].append((i, o)) return equate_flows(model, flows[0], flows[1], factor1=factor1, name=name)