Source code for oemof.solph.flows._invest_non_convex_flow_block

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Creating sets, variables, constraints and parts of the objective function
for Flow objects with both Nonconvex and Investment options.

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Uwe Krien <>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Hilpert
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Cord Kaldemeyer
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Patrik Schönfeldt
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Birgit Schachler
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jnnr
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: jmloenneberga
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Johannes Kochems (jokochems)
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Saeed Sayadi
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Pierre-François Duc

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from pyomo.core import Binary
from pyomo.core import Constraint
from pyomo.core import Expression
from pyomo.core import NonNegativeReals
from pyomo.core import Set
from pyomo.core import Var

from ._non_convex_flow_block import NonConvexFlowBlock

[docs]class InvestNonConvexFlowBlock(NonConvexFlowBlock): r""" .. automethod:: _create_constraints .. automethod:: _create_variables .. automethod:: _create_sets .. automethod:: _objective_expression """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _create(self, group=None): """Creates set, variables, constraints for all flow object with an attribute flow of type class:`.InvestNonConvexFlowBlock`. Parameters ---------- group : list List of oemof.solph.InvestNonConvexFlowBlock objects for which the constraints are build. """ if group is None: return None self._create_sets(group) self._create_variables() self._create_constraints()
[docs] def _create_sets(self, group): """ Creates all sets for investment non-convex flows. INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS A set of flows with the attribute `nonconvex` of type :class:`.options.NonConvex` and the attribute `invest` of type :class:`.options.Invest`. .. automethod:: _sets_for_non_convex_flows """ self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS = Set( initialize=[(g[0], g[1]) for g in group] ) self._sets_for_non_convex_flows(group)
[docs] def _create_variables(self): r""" Status variable (binary) `om.InvestNonConvexFlowBlock.status`: Variable indicating if flow is >= 0 indexed by FLOWS :math::`P_{invest}` `InvestNonConvexFlowBlock.invest` Value of the investment variable, i.e. equivalent to the nominal value of the flows after optimization. :math::`status\_nominal(i,o,t)` (non-negative real number) New paramater representing the multiplication of `P_{invest}` (from the <class 'oemof.solph.flows.InvestmentFlow'>) and `status(i,o,t)` (from the <class 'oemof.solph.flows.NonConvexFlow'>) used for the constraints on the minimum and maximum flow constraints. .. automethod:: _variables_for_non_convex_flows """ m = self.parent_block() # Create `status` variable representing the status of the flow # at each time step self.status = Var( self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=Binary ) self._variables_for_non_convex_flows() # Investment-related variable similar to the # <class 'oemof.solph.flows.InvestmentFlow'> class. def _investvar_bound_rule(block, i, o): """Rule definition for bounds of the invest variable.""" if (i, o) in self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS: return 0, m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum # Create the `invest` variable for the nonconvex investment flow. self.invest = Var( self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS, within=NonNegativeReals, bounds=_investvar_bound_rule, ) # `status_nominal` is a parameter which represents the # multiplication of a binary variable (`status`) # and a continuous variable (`invest` or `nominal_value`) self.status_nominal = Var( self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, within=NonNegativeReals )
[docs] def _create_constraints(self): r""" .. automethod:: _shared_constraints_for_non_convex_flows .. automethod:: _minimum_invest_constraint .. automethod:: _maximum_invest_constraint .. automethod:: _minimum_flow_constraint .. automethod:: _maximum_flow_constraint .. automethod:: _linearised_investment_constraints """ self._shared_constraints_for_non_convex_flows() self.minimum_investment = self._minimum_invest_constraint() self.maximum_investment = self._maximum_invest_constraint() self.min = self._minimum_flow_constraint() self.max = self._maximum_flow_constraint() self._linearised_investment_constraints()
[docs] def _linearised_investment_constraints(self): r""" The resulting constraint is equivalent to .. math:: status\_nominal(i,o,t) = Y_{status}(t) \cdot P_{invest}. However, :math:`status` and :math:`invest` are variables (binary and continuous, respectively). Thus, three constraints are created which combination is equivalent. .. automethod:: _linearised_investment_constraint_1 .. automethod:: _linearised_investment_constraint_2 .. automethod:: _linearised_investment_constraint_3 The following cases may occur: * Case :math:`status = 0` .. math:: (1) \Rightarrow status\_nominal = 0,\\ (2) \Rightarrow \text{ trivially fulfilled},\\ (3) \Rightarrow \text{ trivially fulfilled}. * Case :math:`status = 1` .. math:: (1) \Rightarrow \text{ trivially fulfilled},\\ (2) \Rightarrow status\_nominal \leq P_{invest},\\ (3) \Rightarrow status\_nominal \geq P_{invest}. So, in total :math:`status\_nominal = P_{invest}`, which is the desired result. """ self.invest_nc_one = self._linearised_investment_constraint_1() self.invest_nc_two = self._linearised_investment_constraint_2() self.invest_nc_three = self._linearised_investment_constraint_3()
[docs] def _linearised_investment_constraint_1(self): r""" .. math:: status\_nominal(i,o,t) \leq Y_{status}(t) \cdot P_{invest, max}\quad (1) """ m = self.parent_block() def _linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_one(_, i, o, t): expr = ( self.status[i, o, t] * m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum >= self.status_nominal[i, o, t] ) return expr return Constraint( self.MIN_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_one, )
[docs] def _linearised_investment_constraint_2(self): r""" .. math:: status\_nominal(i,o,t) \leq P_{invest}\quad (2) """ m = self.parent_block() def _linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_two(_, i, o, t): expr = self.invest[i, o] >= self.status_nominal[i, o, t] return expr return Constraint( self.MIN_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_two, )
[docs] def _linearised_investment_constraint_3(self): r""" .. math:: status\_nominal(i,o,t) \geq P_{invest} - (1 - Y_{status}(t)) \cdot P_{invest, max}\quad (3) """ m = self.parent_block() def _linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_three(_, i, o, t): expr = ( self.invest[i, o] - (1 - self.status[i, o, t]) * m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum <= self.status_nominal[i, o, t] ) return expr return Constraint( self.MIN_FLOWS, m.TIMESTEPS, rule=_linearization_rule_invest_non_convex_three, )
[docs] def _objective_expression(self): r"""Objective expression for nonconvex investment flows. If `nonconvex.startup_costs` is set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{i, o \in STARTUPFLOWS} \sum_t startup(i, o, t) \ \cdot c_{startup} If `nonconvex.shutdown_costs` is set by the user: .. math:: \sum_{i, o \in SHUTDOWNFLOWS} \sum_t shutdown(i, o, t) \ \cdot c_{shutdown} .. math:: P_{invest} \cdot c_{invest,var} """ if not hasattr(self, "INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS"): return 0 m = self.parent_block() startup_costs = self._startup_costs() shutdown_costs = self._shutdown_costs() activity_costs = self._activity_costs() inactivity_costs = self._inactivity_costs() investment_costs = 0 for i, o in self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS: investment_costs += ( self.invest[i, o] * m.flows[i, o].investment.ep_costs + m.flows[i, o].investment.offset ) self.investment_costs = Expression(expr=investment_costs) return ( startup_costs + shutdown_costs + activity_costs + inactivity_costs + investment_costs )
[docs] def _minimum_invest_constraint(self): r""" .. math:: P_{invest, min} \le P_{invest} """ m = self.parent_block() def _min_invest_rule(_, i, o): """Rule definition for applying a minimum investment""" expr = m.flows[i, o].investment.minimum <= self.invest[i, o] return expr return Constraint(self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS, rule=_min_invest_rule)
[docs] def _maximum_invest_constraint(self): r""" .. math:: P_{invest} \le P_{invest, max} """ m = self.parent_block() def _max_invest_rule(_, i, o): """Rule definition for applying a minimum investment""" expr = self.invest[i, o] <= m.flows[i, o].investment.maximum return expr return Constraint(self.INVEST_NON_CONVEX_FLOWS, rule=_max_invest_rule)