Source code for oemof.groupings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" All you need to create groups of stuff in your energy system.

This file is part of project oemof ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location oemof/oemof/

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

    from import (Hashable, Iterable, Mapping,
                                 MutableMapping as MuMa)
except ImportError:
    from collections import (Hashable, Iterable, Mapping,
                             MutableMapping as MuMa)
from itertools import chain, filterfalse

[docs]class Grouping: """ Used to aggregate :class:`entities <>` in an :class:`energy system <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>` into :attr:`groups <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem.groups>`. The way :class:`Groupings <Grouping>` work is that each :class:`Grouping` :obj:`g` of an energy system is called whenever an :class:`entity <>` is added to the energy system (and for each :class:`entity <>` already present, if the energy system is created with existing enties). The call :obj:`g(e, groups)`, where :obj:`e` is an :class:`entity <>` and :attr:`groups <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem.groups>` is a dictionary mapping group keys to groups, then uses the three functions :meth:`key <Grouping.key>`, :meth:`value <Grouping.value>` and :meth:`merge <Grouping.merge>` in the following way: - :meth:`key(e) <Grouping.key>` is called to obtain a key :obj:`k` under which the group should be stored, - :meth:`value(e) <Grouping.value>` is called to obtain a value :obj:`v` (the actual group) to store under :obj:`k`, - if you supplied a :func:`filter` argument, :obj:`v` is :func:`filtered <builtins.filter>` using that function, - otherwise, if there is not yet anything stored under :obj:`groups[k]`, :obj:`groups[k]` is set to :obj:`v`. Otherwise :meth:`merge <Grouping.merge>` is used to figure out how to merge :obj:`v` into the old value of :obj:`groups[k]`, i.e. :obj:`groups[k]` is set to :meth:`merge(v, groups[k]) <Grouping.merge>`. Instead of trying to use this class directly, have a look at its subclasses, like :class:`Nodes`, which should cater for most use cases. Notes ----- When overriding methods using any of the constructor parameters, you don't have access to :obj:`self` in the corresponding function. If you need access to :obj:`self`, subclass :class:`Grouping` and override the methods in the subclass. A :class:`Grouping` may be called more than once on the same object :obj:`e`, so one should make sure that user defined :class:`Grouping` :obj:`g` is idempotent, i.e. :obj:`g(e, g(e, d)) == g(e, d)`. Parameters ---------- key: callable or hashable Specifies (if not callable) or extracts (if callable) a :meth:`key <Grouping.key>` for each :class:`entity <>` of the :class:`energy system <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>`. constant_key: hashable (optional) Specifies a constant :meth:`key <Grouping.key>`. Keys specified using this parameter are not called but taken as is. value: callable, optional Overrides the default behaviour of :meth:`value <Grouping.value>`. filter: callable, optional If supplied, whatever is returned by :meth:`value` is :func:`filtered <builtins.filter>` through this. Mostly useful in conjunction with static (i.e. non-callable) :meth:`keys <key>`. See :meth:`filter` for more details. merge: callable, optional Overrides the default behaviour of :meth:`merge <Grouping.merge>`. """ def __init__(self, key=None, constant_key=None, filter=None, **kwargs): if key and constant_key: raise TypeError( "Grouping arguments `key` and `constant_key` are " + " mutually exclusive.") if constant_key: self.key = lambda _: constant_key elif key: self.key = key else: raise TypeError( "Grouping constructor missing required argument: " + "one of `key` or `constant_key`.") self.filter = filter for kw in ["value", "merge", "filter"]: if kw in kwargs: setattr(self, kw, kwargs[kw])
[docs] def key(self, e): """ Obtain a key under which to store the group. You have to supply this method yourself using the :obj:`key` parameter when creating :class:`Grouping` instances. Called for every :class:`entity <>` :obj:`e` of the energy system. Expected to return the key (i.e. a valid :class:`hashable`) under which the group :meth:`value(e) <Grouping.value>` will be stored. If it should be added to more than one group, return a :class:`list` (or any other :class:`non-hashable <Hashable>`, :class:`iterable`) containing the group keys. Return :obj:`None` if you don't want to store :obj:`e` in a group. """ raise NotImplementedError( "There is no default implementation for `Groupings.key`.\n" + "Congratulations, you managed to execute supposedly " + "unreachable code.\n" + "Please let us know by filing a bug at:\n\n " + "\n")
[docs] def value(self, e): """ Generate the group obtained from :obj:`e`. This methd returns the actual group obtained from :obj:`e`. Like :meth:`key <Grouping.key>`, it is called for every :obj:`e` in the energy system. If there is no group stored under :meth:`key(e) <Grouping.key>`, :obj:`groups[key(e)]` is set to :meth:`value(e) <Grouping.value>`. Otherwise :meth:`merge(value(e), groups[key(e)]) <Grouping.merge>` is called. The default returns the :class:`entity <>` itself. """ return e
[docs] def merge(self, new, old): """ Merge a known :obj:`old` group with a :obj:`new` one. This method is called if there is already a value stored under :obj:`group[key(e)]`. In that case, :meth:`merge(value(e), group[key(e)]) <Grouping.merge>` is called and should return the new group to store under :meth:`key(e) <Grouping.key>`. The default behaviour is to raise an error if :obj:`new` and :obj:`old` are not identical. """ if old is new: return old raise ValueError("\nGrouping \n " + "{}:{}\nand\n {}:{}\ncollides.\n".format( id(old), old, id(new), new) + "Possibly duplicate uids/labels?")
[docs] def filter(self, group): """ :func:`Filter <builtins.filter>` the group returned by :meth:`value` before storing it. Should return a boolean value. If the :obj:`group` returned by :meth:`value` is :class:`iterable <>`, this function is used (via Python's :func:`builtin filter <builtins.filter>`) to select the values which should be retained in :obj:`group`. If :obj:`group` is not :class:`iterable <>`, it is simply called on :obj:`group` itself and the return value decides whether :obj:`group` is stored (:obj:`True`) or not (:obj:`False`). """ raise NotImplementedError( "`Groupings.filter` called without being overridden.\n" + "Congratulations, you managed to execute supposedly " + "unreachable code.\n" + "Please let us know by filing a bug at:\n\n " + "\n")
def __call__(self, e, d): k = self.key(e) if callable(self.key) else self.key if k is None: return v = self.value(e) if isinstance(v, MuMa): for k in list(filterfalse(self.filter, v)): v.pop(k) elif isinstance(v, Mapping): v = type(v)((k, v[k]) for k in v if self.filter(k)) elif isinstance(v, Iterable): v = type(v)(filter(self.filter, v)) elif self.filter and not self.filter(v): return if not v: return for group in (k if (isinstance(k, Iterable) and not isinstance(k, Hashable)) else [k]): d[group] = (self.merge(v, d[group]) if group in d else v)
[docs]class Nodes(Grouping): """ Specialises :class:`Grouping` to group :class:`nodes <>` into :class:`sets <set>`. """
[docs] def value(self, e): """ Returns a :class:`set` containing only :obj:`e`, so groups are :class:`sets <set>` of :class:`node <>`. """ return {e}
[docs] def merge(self, new, old): """ :meth:`Updates <set.update>` :obj:`old` to be the union of :obj:`old` and :obj:`new`. """ return old.union(new)
[docs]class Flows(Nodes): """ Specialises :class:`Grouping` to group the flows connected to :class:`nodes <>` into :class:`sets <set>`. Note that this specifically means that the :meth:`key <Flows.key>`, and :meth:`value <Flows.value>` functions act on a set of flows. """
[docs] def value(self, flows): """ Returns a :class:`set` containing only :obj:`flows`, so groups are :class:`sets <set>` of flows. """ return set(flows)
def __call__(self, n, d): flows = set(chain(n.outputs.values(), n.inputs.values())) super().__call__(flows, d)
[docs]class FlowsWithNodes(Nodes): """ Specialises :class:`Grouping` to act on the flows connected to :class:`nodes <>` and create :class:`sets <set>` of :obj:`(source, target, flow)` tuples. Note that this specifically means that the :meth:`key <Flows.key>`, and :meth:`value <Flows.value>` functions act on sets like these. """
[docs] def value(self, tuples): """ Returns a :class:`set` containing only :obj:`tuples`, so groups are :class:`sets <set>` of :obj:`tuples`. """ return set(tuples)
def __call__(self, n, d): tuples = set(chain( ((n, t, f) for (t, f) in n.outputs.items()), ((s, n, f) for (s, f) in n.inputs.items()))) super().__call__(tuples, d)
def _uid_or_str(node_or_entity): """ Helper function to support the transition from `Entitie`s to `Node`s. """ return (node_or_entity.uid if hasattr(node_or_entity, "uid") else str(node_or_entity)) DEFAULT = Grouping(_uid_or_str) """ The default :class:`Grouping`. This one is always present in an :class:`energy system <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>`. It stores every :class:`entity <>` under its :attr:`uid <>` and raises an error if another :class:`entity <>` with the same :attr:`uid <>` get's added to the :class:`energy system <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>`. """