Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This package (along with its subpackages) contains the classes used to model
energy systems. An energy system is modelled as a graph/network of entities
with very specific constraints on which types of entities are allowed to be

This file is part of project oemof ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location oemof/oemof/

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

from collections import MutableMapping as MM
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import total_ordering
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary as WeKeDi, WeakSet as WeSe

[docs]class Inputs(MM): """ A special helper to map `n1.inputs[n2]` to `n2.outputs[n1]`. """ def __init__(self, flows, target): self.flows = flows = target def __getitem__(self, key): return self.flows.__getitem__((key, def __delitem__(self, key): return self.flows.__delitem__((key, def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.flows.__setitem__((key,, value) def __iter__(self): return self.flows._in_edges.get(, ()).__iter__() def __len__(self): return self.flows._in_edges.get(, ()).__len__()
[docs]class Outputs(MM): """ Helper that intercepts modifications to update `Inputs` symmetrically. """ def __init__(self, flows, source): self.flows = flows self.source = source def __getitem__(self, key): return self.flows.__getitem__((self.source, key)) def __delitem__(self, key): return self.flows.__delitem__((self.source, key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.flows.__setitem__((self.source, key), value) def __iter__(self): return self.flows._out_edges.get(self.source, ()).__iter__() def __len__(self): return self.flows._out_edges.get(self.source, ()).__len__()
class _Edges(MM): """ Internal utility class keeping track of known edges. As this is currently quite dirty and hackish, it should be treated as an internal implementation detail with an unstable interface. Maye it can be converted to a fully fledged useful :python:`Edge` class later on, but for now it simply hides most of the dirty secrets of the :class:`Node` class. """ _in_edges = WeKeDi() _out_edges = WeKeDi() # TODO: Either figure out how to use weak references here, or convert the # whole graph datastructure to normal dictionaries. # Background: I had to stop wrestling with the garbage collector, # because python doesn't allow weak references to tuples # and I couldn't figure out a way to key edges in a way # that the endpoints of the edge get garbage collected # once no other references to them exist anymore. # I guess the best way would be to use normal dictionarier, stop # using a global variable for all edges and put a member variable # for all it's edges on an energy system. _flows = {} def __delitem__(self, key): source, target = key # TODO: Refactor this to not have duplicate code. self._in_edges[target].remove(source) if not self._in_edges[target]: del self._in_edges[target] self._out_edges[source].remove(target) if not self._out_edges[source]: del self._out_edges[source] del self._flows[key] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._flows.__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): source, target = key # TODO: Refactor this to remove duplicate code. self._in_edges[target] = self._in_edges.get(target, WeSe()) self._in_edges[target].add(source) self._out_edges[source] = self._out_edges.get(source, WeSe()) self._out_edges[source].add(target) self._flows.__setitem__(key, value) def __call__(self, source=None, target=None): if ((source is None) and (target is None)): return None if (source is None): return Inputs(self, target) if (target is None): return Outputs(self, source) return self._flows[source, target] def __iter__(self): return self._flows.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self._flows.__len__() flow = _Edges()
[docs]@total_ordering class Node: """ Represents a Node in an energy system graph. Abstract superclass of the two general types of nodes of an energy system graph, collecting attributes and operations common to all types of nodes. Users should neither instantiate nor subclass this, but use :class:`Component`, :class:`Bus` or one of their subclasses instead. .. role:: python(code) :language: python Parameters ---------- label: `hashable`, optional Used as the string representation of this node. If this parameter is not an instance of :class:`str` it will be converted to a string and the result will be used as this node's :attr:`label`, which should be unique with respect to the other nodes in the energy system graph this node belongs to. If this parameter is not supplied, the string representation of this node will instead be generated based on this nodes `class` and `id`. inputs: list or dict, optional Either a list of this nodes' input nodes or a dictionary mapping input nodes to corresponding inflows (i.e. input values). outputs: list or dict, optional Either a list of this nodes' output nodes or a dictionary mapping output nodes to corresponding outflows (i.e. output values). flow: function, optional A function taking this node and a target node as a parameter (i.e. something of the form :python:`def f(self, target)`), returning the flow originating from this node into :python:`target`. Attributes ---------- __slots__: str or iterable of str See the Python documentation on `__slots__ <>`_ for more information. """ # TODO: Doing this _state/__getstate__/__setstate__ dance is # necessary to fix issues #186 and #203. But there must be # some more elegant solution. So in the long run, either this, # or dump/restore should be refactored so that storing the # initialization arguments is not necessary. # The culprit seems to be that inputs/outputs are actually # stored in the `_Edge` class and pickle can't make that jump. # But more sophisticated research and minimal test cases are # needed to confirm that. registry = None __slots__ = ["__weakref__", "_label", "_inputs", "_state"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__setstate__((args, kwargs)) if __class__.registry is not None: __class__.registry.add(self) def __getstate__(self): return self._state def __setstate__(self, state): self._state = state args, kwargs = state for optional in ['label']: if optional in kwargs: setattr(self, '_' + optional, kwargs[optional]) for i in kwargs.get('inputs', {}): assert isinstance(i, Node), \ "Input {} of {} not a Node, but a {}."\ .format(i, self, type(i)) try: flow[i, self] = kwargs['inputs'].get(i) except AttributeError: flow[i, self] = None for o in kwargs.get('outputs', {}): assert isinstance(o, Node), \ "Output {} of {} not a Node, but a {}."\ .format(o, self, type(o)) try: flow[self, o] = kwargs['outputs'].get(o) except AttributeError: flow[self, o] = None def __eq__(self, other): return id(self) == id(other) def __lt__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.label < other.label def __hash__(self): return hash(self.label) def __str__(self): return str(self.label) @property def label(self): """ object : If this node was given a `label` on construction, this attribute holds the actual object passed as a parameter. Otherwise :py:`node.label` is a synonym for :py:`str(node)`. """ return (self._label if hasattr(self, "_label") else "<{} #0x{:x}>".format(type(self).__name__, id(self))) @property def inputs(self): """ dict : Dictionary mapping input :class:`Nodes <Node>` :obj:`n` to flows from :obj:`n` into :obj:`self`. """ return Inputs(flow, self) @property def outputs(self): """ dict : Dictionary mapping output :class:`Nodes <Node>` :obj:`n` to flows from :obj:`self` into :obj:`n`. """ return Outputs(flow, self)
[docs]class Bus(Node): pass
[docs]class Component(Node): pass
[docs]class Sink(Component): pass
[docs]class Source(Component): pass
[docs]class Transformer(Component): pass
# TODO: Adhere to PEP 0257 by listing the exported classes with a short # summary.
[docs]class Entity: r""" The most abstract type of vertex in an energy system graph. Since each entity in an energy system has to be uniquely identifiable and connected (either via input or via output) to at least one other entity, these properties are collected here so that they are shared with descendant classes. Parameters ---------- uid : string or tuple Unique component identifier of the entity. inputs : list List of Entities acting as input to this Entity. outputs : list List of Entities acting as output from this Entity. geo_data : shapely.geometry object Geo-spatial data with informations for location/region-shape. The geometry can be a polygon/multi-polygon for regions, a line fore transport objects or a point for objects such as transformer sources. Attributes ---------- registry: :class:`EnergySystem <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>` The central registry keeping track of all :class:`Node's <Node>` created. If this is `None`, :class:`Node` instances are not kept track of. Assign an :class:`EnergySystem <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem>` to this attribute to have it become the a :class:`node <Node>` registry, i.e. all :class:`nodes <Node>` created are added to its :attr:`nodes <oemof.core.energy_system.EnergySystem.nodes>` property on construction. """ optimization_options = {} registry = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): # TODO: @Günni: # add default argument values to docstrings (if it's possible). self.uid = kwargs["uid"] self.inputs = kwargs.get("inputs", []) self.outputs = kwargs.get("outputs", []) for e_in in self.inputs: if self not in e_in.outputs: e_in.outputs.append(self) for e_out in self.outputs: if self not in e_out.inputs: e_out.inputs.append(self) self.geo_data = kwargs.get("geo_data", None) self.regions = [] self.add_regions(kwargs.get('regions', [])) if __class__.registry is not None: __class__.registry.add(self) # TODO: @Gunni Yupp! Add docstring.
[docs] def add_regions(self, regions): """Add regions to self.regions """ self.regions.extend(regions) for region in regions: if self not in region.entities: region.entities.append(self)
def __str__(self): # TODO: @Günni: Unused privat method. No Docstring. return "<{0} #{1}>".format(type(self).__name__, self.uid)
[docs]@contextmanager def registry_changed_to(r): """ Override registry during execution of a block and restore it afterwards. """ backup = Node.registry Node.registry = None yield Node.registry = backup
[docs]def temporarily_modifies_registry(function): """ Backup registry before and restore it after execution of `function`. """ def result(*xs, **ks): with registry_disabled(): return f(*xs, **ks) return result